Canned Food Drive

You may notice that calendars mark February as National Canned Food Month. Why is this the case? The answer dates back to the inspiration for its invention. In February, 1795, the French government required a way to feed its troops in enemy territory and offered a cash prize for an invention that would ensure both food preservation and transportability. After fourteen years of experimentation, confectioner Nicholas Appert claimed the prize with a method that involved putting food in jars, sealing, and then boiling them. (Shortly thereafter, an innovation of using tin cans – more durable and less likely to explode – followed, from England.) Napoleon famously claimed that “an army marches on its stomach.” You may similarly value canned foods for their nutrition and convenience.

Here at the White Plains Public Library, we will celebrate National Canned Food Month with a canned food drive. From February 1st – 22nd, you may donate canned food goods to the Circulation Desk at the front of the Library. Check your pantry for extra, unexpired canned sauces, soups, stews, meals, proteins, vegetables, fruit, and pet food. All donated items must be in cans. This is a simple way to help your neighbors; you can drop off donations when you drop off your library books for return.

The canned food drive is a collaboration of United Way-Westchester and Putnam, Feeding Westchester, the Westchester Library System, and the Mid-Hudson Library System.

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