For our elementary schoolers, please join us for our programs at The Trove! We have an array of activities for different age groups throughout the month.

Magical Mondays – Grades 3-6
The Igloo
February 3rd 4:30-6:30PM
Join us in creating magical Little Wizards characters through words or pictures (or both!) and playing those characters in class at Epic Academy! What adventures will your Little Wizard have today?

Trove Trivia Book Club- Grades 4-6
Galaxy Hall
February 4th 4:30-5:30PM
Do you love reading, trivia, and a bit of competition? Join the Trove Trivia Book Club. First 6 registered get their own copy of the book! Register at The Trove desk. This month’s book is The Parker’s Inheritance by Varian Johnson. The book can be found in all available formats here.

Family Dance Party!
Galaxy Hall
February 11th: 4:30-5:30
Bring the whole family to our dance party celebrating World Radio Day! We will free dance and play dance games. The only rules are #1 everyone has to dance, and #2 have fun!

Castle Crafts: Make Your Own Love Bug- Elementary School/Families
February 12th: 3:30-5:00PM
Drop in to make your own Love Bug for Valentine's Day!

K-2 Stories & Stuff: Pizza Lovers Unite!-Kindergarten-2nd Grade
Galaxy Hall
February 13th: 4:30PM
Afternoon stories and craft for grades K-2. We will read about pizza and then create our own paper heart-shaped pizzas!

George Washington Carver & Friends: Kindergarten-5th Grade
February 18th 2:00-3:30PM
Black History heroes laid the groundwork for some of the most amazing discoveries of the modern era, especially when it comes to Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. Hosted by the incredible scientist, George Washington Carver, a man who invented thousands of uses for the lowly peanut, this show introduces students to other incredible scientists, entrepreneurs and groundbreakers from Black History. Meet Madame CJ Walker, Jackie Robinson, Thurgood Marshall and more!

Draw on The Wall in The Igloo- Grades 1-3
The Igloo
February 20th 4:30-5:30PM
We'll use an iPad to help us color in the coloring page projected on the Igloo walls!

Lego Club!- All Ages
Galaxy Hall
February 24th 3:30-5:15PM
Drop in and build with the Library's LEGOs. Each session we'll provide a building theme or challenge, but also feel free to just build whatever you want!

K-2 VR Storytime: Yoo-Hoo Ladybug- Kindergarten-2nd Grade
The Igloo
February 27th 4:30PM
For grades K-2. We will help each other find the ladybug in Yoo-Hoo Ladybug and get a take-home activity!

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