Archives for STEAM at home

Dragons & the Ice Sorceress

Talewise presents: Dragons & the Ice Sorceress Saturday, January 21 at 1:00 p.m. PreK – Grade 5 Library Auditorium Join Talewise on a quest to discover the ‘coolest’ thing in science: DRY ICE!  Volunteers from the audience will help conduct several science experiments as we explore the wondrous effects of dry ice! The science experiments are tied together by a fun, interactive tale called “Dragons & The Ice Sorceress.” The entire audience will help the performer tell the story — you’ll even get to decide what happens next! Don’t miss this one-of-a-kind learning adventure featuring stories and the science of
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Categories: Events, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Halloween STEAM

Halloween is a wonderful time to learn about ghoulish goblins, bob for apples, visit Sleepy Hollow, and go trick-or-treating. However, if some of these activities aren’t an option, there are still plenty of fun things to do virtually to satisfy your need for creepy crawlies and menacing mummies! The Library will be hosting two fun and spooky STEAM projects: one for grades 1-6 and one for grades 4-8. Twelve kits will be available for each age group and patrons can register online through the library calendar to pick up their kits. Both kits will include items needed for the program,
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Categories: Authors & Books, Events, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

Summer STEAM: Beaded Bubble Wand

After the Summer Solstice on Sunday, June 20th, summer is officially underway! We’re celebrating with a summer-themed Grab & Go STEAM kit, available to pick up on July 26th. The kits will contain beads and a pipe cleaner. This is a fun and easy craft that can be done indoors or outdoors. You can make the design above or use these instructions to create your own unique craft. Whether you love to blow bubbles, want to work on a creative craft or just want to unplug, this is a fun activity for the entire family. For an enriched STEAM activity
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Categories: Library News.

TaleWise: The Mummy at Mystery Mansion

TaleWise presents: The Mummy at Mystery Mansion Tuesday, June 15, 3:30 p.m. Grades K-8 Access the program here. Note: a free registered Zoom account is required to access the Library’s youth programs. Get a Zoom account here. Frankie and Casey visit their uncle for his annual costume party, only to find out that a creepy mummy has been scaring everyone away! Some say the house is haunted, but Frankie and Casey have a different idea. Join them on their adventure to unravel the mystery of the mummy! Along the way, you’ll explore some spooky and exciting science concepts about blackouts,
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Categories: Events, Homepage Kids, and Kids.

Twilight Zone Day

Celebrated each year on May 11, Twilight Zone Day is a fun way to enter a dimension where dolls protect those they love, aliens can be deceiving, and a man who loves to read never has any time to do so. The Twilight Zone was created, written, and narrated by Rod Sterling. The show premiered on October 1, 1959, and ended its run in 1964. Watching a marathon of The Twilight Zone has become a New Year’s Eve tradition for many fans; however, this wacky, and wonderful show can be viewed and enjoyed at any time of the year. The
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Categories: Library News.

TaleWise presents: Dragons: Return of the Ice Sorceress

TaleWise presents: Dragons: Return of the Ice Sorceress Tuesday, May 18, 3:30 p.m. Grades K-8 Access the program here. Note: a free registered Zoom account is required to access the Library’s youth programs. Get a Zoom account here. A long time ago, in a faraway world, two brave villagers go on a daring journey to save the kingdom from the evil Ice Sorceress. When things don’t go as planned, however, they need to look to themselves (and to science!) for the answer. Don’t miss this fun fantasy adventure exploring the science of dry ice! Check out a trailer for the
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Categories: Library News.

On-Demand TaleWise April Show

Did you miss the STEAM-azing show, Earth Day: Revenge of the Toxic Robot, presented by TaleWise on April 22, or perhaps you want to watch it again? You can view the show, for free, on-demand, through August 31, 2021! In addition to the stream of the show, you will have access to educational resources, experiments and STEAM activities related to the program! Here’s how to access the on-demand show: Visit Earth Day: Revenge of the Toxic Robot. Create a new, free, TaleWise account or sign in with Google, Facebook or an existing TaleWise account. TaleWise respects your privacy and will
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Categories: Library News.

TaleWise: Revenge of the Toxic Robot

Talewise presents: Earth Day: Revenge of the Toxic Robot Thursday, April 22, 3:30 p.m. Grades K-8 Access the program here. Note: a free registered Zoom account is required to access the Library’s youth programs. Get a Zoom account here. When the town’s park is suddenly gated and locked, a group of friends decides to investigate. Their adventure leads them deep into the woods, where they are chased away by an eccentric robot powered by toxic sludge! Join the gang on their quest to clean up the act of a despicable polluter and save their park from being destroyed. Along the
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Categories: Library News.

STEAM at Home: Phases of the Moon

Join us on May 25th, at 4:00 p.m. for this Phases of the Moon event. After we read Mae Among the Stars by Roda Ahmed, we will work together to create a “phases of the moon” STEAM craft. Supplies are limited, so  please register here. Please be sure to include an EMAIL ADDRESS or PHONE NUMBER in your registration in order to be contacted to pick up your Kit for participation in the program. Our Grab & Go kits will include a paper plate, a template of the phases of the moon, and black and white construction paper. If you
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Categories: Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Learn about Owls

The Library is excited to host two STEAM-azing programs in March about the fascinating nocturnal birds called owls. STEAM at Home: Owls & Owl Pellet Dissection Grades K-3. Registration required. Space is limited. Tuesday, March 23, 4:00 p.m. During the program, participants will hear some owl stories and Greenwich Audubon Center will provide information about owls and lead an owl pellet dissection to learn more about what owls eat. Registered participants will pick up an Owl Pellet Dissection Kit prior to the program from the Library. An email address must be provided during registration to receive your Kit. Click here
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Categories: Events, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Black History Month Events

This February we're celebrating Black History Month with a variety of events for all ages. Below is a chronological list of events and various resources and reading lists. To see a full list of our February events, please check our online calendar. Through February 28th Film Screening: Black Ballerina Black Ballerina is a story of passion, opportunity, heartbreak and triumph of the human spirit. Set in the overwhelmingly white world of classical dance, it tells the stories of several black women from different generations who fell in love with ballet. Sixty years ago, while pursuing their dreams of careers in
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Categories: Library News.

STEAM Picture Books: Engineering

In this monthly STEAM series, I will highlight some wonderful picture books that fall under a STEAM category: Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics. For the month of January we will be concentrating on engineering books, including biographies, how to build a backyard, construction and building blocks, along with books on tools. These picture books can be found in our print collection at The Trove and on OverDrive. At the end of the post, you'll also find some fun and educational STEAM websites for kids. Future Engineer by Lori Alexander, illustrated by Allison Black Library Catalog This fun and playful
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Grab&Go Kits

The Library will now feature a variety of Grab&Go Kits that families can take home to enjoy. Librarians in the Trove and Edge are compiling several types of kits that will provide families with wonderful opportunities to unplug and engage in activities that stir the imagination and provide at-home learning and fun. Kits will be available outside our main entrance while supplies last. In October and November we will begin regularly offering the following kits for pick up on a varied schedule. The first day a kit will be available to pick up will be marked in our online calendar.
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Categories: Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

STEAM at Home: Exploring Leaves

Fall foliage is breathtaking, and provides the perfect opportunity to learn about leaves. Leaves are especially interesting to observe in autumn. Ever wonder how liquids travel through leaves? To find the answer, I worked on an easy STEAM experiment that is perfect for all who love nature and learning about leaves. Materials: Leaves Scissors Clear cups or glasses Water Red food coloring Paper and pencil, or another way to record observations Magnifying glass (optional) First, you can make a K-W-L chart, a type of worksheet that helps your child identify what they already know, what they would like to know, and
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Categories: Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

STEAM at Home: Flying Dragon

This week we are going to make a dragon fly and learn about how levers work. Materials: Toilet Paper Roll Construction Paper Marker Pencil Ruler Glue Tape Yarn Getting Started: We are going to start by making our dragon. Cut a piece of construction paper so that it covers your toilet paper roll. Use tape or glue to attach it. Next design the head, wings, and tail of your dragon. Cut them out and attach them using glue or tape. You can use a marker to decorate your dragon and draw eyes and a mouth on it. Prepare For Flight:
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Categories: Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

STEAM at Home: Puking Pumpkins!

Halloween is a time to celebrate creepy crawlies, eat your favorite candies, dance like zany zombies and carve plump pumpkins! Halloween is also the perfect time to show off your creativity! Why not wear black nail polish to bring out the goth in you? Use purple Manic Panic to dye your hair! Wear your ghost or goblin costume and feel free to be a bit ghoulish! Have you ever been to Sleepy Hollow? If not, I highly encourage you to visit Sleepy Hollow with your family this year; it’s a great Halloween destination. You could take pictures of the Old
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Categories: Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

STEAM at Home: Fireworks in a Jar

Today we are going to do a simple project making fireworks in a jar. This is cool and quite fun to watch, and a simple lesson in liquid density. Materials: Glass Jar or Glass (make sure it is clear) Small Dish Cooking Oil Food Dye (3 or 4 colors) Toothpick Water Getting Started: Fill the glass jar with water, but leave some room at the top. Take your little dish and cover the bottom with cooking oil. Add 3-5 drops of food coloring, keeping the drops separate. Take your toothpick and dab the drops of food coloring to break them
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Categories: Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

STEAM at Home: Human Robot

This week’s STEAM At Home project will teach you a little about coding, without needing a computer. Materials: Printable Scratch Blocks (or you can make your own!) Paper Scissors Tape – scotch and masking tape Pen Another Person Background: is a website used for teaching simple coding and computational thinking. You drag and drop blocks into your work area to create a program, the coding is done in the background. They use visuals, simple language, and a snapping feature to fit your blocks together, making it easy to write a computer program. You need a computer and internet connection
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Categories: Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

STEAM at Home: How Strong is Spaghetti?

How strong is spaghetti? In this STEAM project, we’ll use a foam block as a base for long strands of dry spaghetti. Then, we’ll balance various objects on top of the spaghetti to see how much weight it can support. This is a great opportunity to test out different variables and see what happens! For this project, you only need spaghetti and a piece of foam. I didn’t have styrofoam, so I used a yoga block instead. You can begin by taking a piece of spaghetti and pushing one end into the foam block, letting it stand alone. Have your
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Categories: Homepage Kids, Kids, Library News, and Uncategorized.

STEAM at Home: Cloud in a Jar

This week’s STEAM At Home project is weather science. We will be learning about how clouds are formed and make a cloud in a jar. Materials: Jar with lid (mason jars work really well) Ice Hot Water Pollutant (I used hairspray) Procedure: Heat up ⅓ cup of water. Poor the water into the jar, and swoosh it around the sides carefully so the glass heats up. Take the lid and turn it upside down, and fill it with ice cubes. Place the lid on top of the jar (still upside down so the ice cubes don’t fall into the jar).
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Categories: Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.