Archives for STEAM

Big Shows & Performances in July/August

We have a wide variety of big shows and events for this summer at the Library, including a series of Thursday evening performances! Magic Rocks! with Illusionist Leon Etienne All ages Thursday, 6:30 p.m. – July 13 Illusionist Leon Etienne was a quarter finalist on NBC’s America’s Got Talent, winner of CW’s Penn & Teller: Fool Us! and SyFy's Wizard Wars, and has astounded audiences on CW’s Masters of Illusion and Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. Leon has performed at Radio City Music Hall, headlined in Las Vegas, and blown minds at dozens of legendary venues around the globe. Wonka’s
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Categories: Library News.

Science Heroes STEM Show

Science Heroes: Saving Earth Together STEM Show Children, Families Tuesday, July 25, at 2:00 p.m. Talewise presents this action-packed story where two unlikely heroes work together to save their town (and the planet) from a super-polluting mastermind! Throughout the adventure, volunteers will help the performer conduct several exciting science experiments that bring this story to life! Together we’ll explore Newton’s Laws of Motion, air pressure, chemical reactions, and more! This program is made possible with support from the White Plains Library Foundation.
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Categories: Events, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Summer STEAM Events

Please join us at the Library this summer for two fun STEAM activities for grades 1-6 in The Trove. On Wednesday July, 12th we will be kicking off our Summer STEAM programs by learning how to create bubbles. After we make our bubbles we will use pipe cleaners and beads to create a bubble wand so that we can test our STEAM experiment. The Library will provide the following materials for our bubbles & bubble wands. Four cups of warm water Half a cup of dish soap Half a cup of sugar Bowl Spoon Beads pipe cleaners Our second STEAM
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Categories: Events, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Igloo VR Programs (April-May)

Attention all patrons! Get ready for a journey like no other as the Library invites you to explore new and exciting virtual experiences with our newly installed panoramic video room, the “Optimum Technology Room,” which uses technology installed by Igloo Vision. Thanks to the support of Optimum and the White Plains Library Foundation, we are now able to bring you 360 virtual reality content without the need for a headset. You'll be able to experience 360 videos, interactive immersive apps, 360 slideshows and more, all projected onto three walls in the room. Igloo Virtual Tour – Venice: Thursday, April 6,
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Categories: Library News.

Rainforest Butterflies

Rainforest Butterflies All ages Thursday, 2:00 p.m. – April 6 Galaxy Hall Children, teens, families, and adults are invited to a presentation on the butterflies of the world’s rainforests. View spectacular butterfly and moth displays from the world’s tropical rainforests: Central America, Amazon, Africa, Southeast Asia and New Guinea, many collected by the presenter. Learn about and discuss science concepts including camouflage, mimicry, insect anatomy, metamorphosis, tropical climate, and more.  Presenter Steve Fratello has explored the world’s tropical rainforests for approximately 1,000 days and led a half dozen major scientific expeditions for the Smithsonian and Field Museums.
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Categories: Library News.

Why STEAM is Important

In our busy world, more often than not, we turn to technology to entertain our children. Are you looking for ways to get your kids off their devices and involve them in different activities? Welcome to the world of STEAM education. STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) education is a great way to help your child make discoveries, ask questions, and solve problems! During the holiday break, White Plains Public Library held a STEAM week for grades 6-12, where kids could drop in to do STEAM activities. The last day, the activity was Paper Airplanes. While STEAM activities are
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Categories: Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

Dragons & the Ice Sorceress

Talewise presents: Dragons & the Ice Sorceress Saturday, January 21 at 1:00 p.m. PreK – Grade 5 Library Auditorium Join Talewise on a quest to discover the ‘coolest’ thing in science: DRY ICE!  Volunteers from the audience will help conduct several science experiments as we explore the wondrous effects of dry ice! The science experiments are tied together by a fun, interactive tale called “Dragons & The Ice Sorceress.” The entire audience will help the performer tell the story — you’ll even get to decide what happens next! Don’t miss this one-of-a-kind learning adventure featuring stories and the science of
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Categories: Events, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Summer Programs 2022 – Kids, Teens, Families

We are looking forward to welcoming the White Plains community back to the Library for a summer filled with amazing programs and events! Note: any virtual/hybrid programs use Zoom and a free, registered Zoom account is required to participate. Create a free Zoom account here: Summer Reading at White Plains Public Library: 6/27 – 8/19 Summer Reading at the Library kicks off Monday, June 27 and runs through Friday, August 19. Reading activity will be logged online with READSquared. Learn all about Summer Reading 2002 and sign up here. Storytime Saturdays, 2:00 p.m.: 7/2, 8/6 Tuesdays, 11:00 a.m.: 8/2/2022,
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Categories: Library News.

STEAMy Summer Days for Gr. 6-12, M-Th through 8/4

Attend one or all of our STEAM activities for grades 6-12 this summer! No registration is required, pop-in anytime during the program to participate.  See below for each week's activities. July 25-28, 1:00-4:00 pm: Coding Using p5.js, with Yiping Dong Day 1: Do an instructional drawing (making a image a partner described) Day 2: Make a fun random face generator Day 3: Make a clock or something creative with the time reading functions Day 4: Make a pong game August 1-4, 1:00-4:00 pm, 3D Design & Printing Projects with Elijah Lederman Day 1: Keychain/Jewelry Design Day 2: Dream House Design
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Categories: Library News.

STEAM Activity: Butterfly Life Cycle

Summer is a wonderful time to learn about insects such as butterflies. This STEAM project will engage young patrons in learning about the stages of a butterfly, which include eggs, caterpillar, chrysalis, and butterfly. This is a great opportunity for children to engage in creating a life cycle craft. You can also use the websites and books provided below to learn more about the life cycle of a butterfly. Materials Paper plates Green construction paper/marker (to create a leaf) small white cotton balls (to create the eggs) Green and yellow pipe cleaners (to create a caterpillar) Brown pipe cleaners or
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Navigating by the Stars

From April 1st through June 30th, the Harriet Tubman – Journey to Freedom sculpture by Wesley Wofford will be on display in Renaissance Plaza in downtown White Plains. In conjunction with this historic visit by the sculpture, the Library and many other community partners organized events related to Harriet Tubman, the Underground Railroad, and more. Find the full listing of the community-wide programs and events here. Navigating by the Stars Tuesday, May 17th, 6:00 p.m. (virtual) Grades 4+, Teens, Adults Have you ever wondered how ancient people told time? Or traveled from point A to point B without a smartphone
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Categories: Events and Library News.

Harriet Tubman Grab & Go Kit

To celebrate Harriet Tubman’s statue coming to White Plains we have a special Grab & Go kit for teens! We have a coloring page showing Harriet Tubman’s fierce determination in leading enslaved people to freedom using the north star, Polaris. This kit comes with materials to light up her lantern and Polaris with LED lights. Students will use copper tape, batteries and LEDs to create an electrical circuit that will light up this coloring page. These kits will be available starting Monday, May 16th as Grab & Go kits you can pick up in the lobby of the Library and
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Categories: Library News.

Harriet Tubman: Journey to Freedom Programs and Events

From April 1st through June 30th, the Harriet Tubman – Journey to Freedom sculpture by Wesley Wofford will be on display in Renaissance Plaza in downtown White Plains. In conjunction with this historic visit by the sculpture, the Library and many other community partners are organizing events related to Harriet Tubman, the Underground Railroad, and more, throughout April, May, and June. Below, you will find a listing of the Library’s events in conjunction with the statue’s visit to White Plains. Get the Zoom link for each virtual program by clicking on that program’s date and time. Find the full listing
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Categories: Library News.

May Technology Events

For Adults & Parents Individual Tech Help Wednesday, May 11th, 10:30–11:30 a.m. Click here to register. Tuesday, May 17th, 2:00–3:00 p.m. Click here to register. Need help with a general computer issue or have questions about a particular piece of technology? Ask Digital Media Specialist Austin Olney in this VIRTUAL assistance program. Whether a beginner or advanced user, all are welcome. Digital Library Resources Wednesday, May 18th, 10:30–11:00 a.m. Click here to register. Join Digital Media Specialist Austin Olney and learn about popular online library resources. Beginners are encouraged, all are welcome. Zoom Tips and Tricks Wednesday, May 25th, 2:00–2:30
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Categories: Library News.

Math & More

These funny stories show us there is a lot more to math than boring numbers and equations. Whether you’re sharing “Spaghetti & Meatballs” with friends or teaching someone a lesson with just “One Grain of Rice,” having fun with a “Counting Horse,” or living by your wits with “Seven Golden Rings,” math is everywhere. We might as well have fun with it! I’m trying to love math, by Bethany Barton. Library Catalog Spaghetti and meatballs for all!: a mathematical story, by Marilyn Burns. Library Catalog One grain of rice: a mathematical folktale, by Demi. Library Catalog Crash! Boom!: a math
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

April Break Week Programs

Some great events during the week of April school break, 4/11-4/14. Some of these programs require pre-registration, so be sure to check the “more info” or our online calendar. Note: The Library will be closed Friday, April 15 and Sunday, April 17. A free registered Zoom account is required to access the Library’s virtual youth programs. Get a Zoom account here. For Younger Kids and Families Move & Groove with Miss Jolie Monday, April 11th, 11:00 a.m. (virtual) Join the virtual program here. Children, Toddlers, PreK-Grade 2, Families Miss Jolie's Music & Movement Class infuses learning and movement with music,
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Categories: Library News.

Women in STEAM

For Women’s History Month, I will highlight some wonderful books that fall under a STEAM category: Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics. In celebrating Women’s History Month we will review a mixture of books, including biographies of an aviator, a mathematician and a Cherokee aerospace engineer. These books can be found in our print collection at The Trove and on Libby. At the end of the post, you'll also find some fun and educational websites for kids. Suggested Reads: Libby Loves Science by Kimberly Derting and Shelli R. Johannes Library Catalog / Libby Libby is a precocious child who loves
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Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Black History Month STEAM Program

For Black History Month, we’re hosting a STEAM program that will include a LEGO Grab & Go kit. First, we’ll read about African American leaders in space exploration. Then we’ll learn about the constellations that helped with navigation on the underground railroad, and use LEGO pieces to create the Big Dipper. Join us on Tuesday, February 22nd at 4:00 p.m. Supplies are limited, so register through our online calendar here. Suggested Reads: Ada Twist, Scientist by Andrea Beaty Library Catalog Ada had a lot of questions about the world around her. She asked her parents so many questions and they
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Categories: Authors & Books, Events, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

3D Printing and Design Class

During the February Winter school break, Librarian Erik Carlson will be teaching a class on 3D printing and design for students in grades 4-6. We start on Tuesday, February 22nd and meet everyday until Friday, February 25th, from 1:00-3:00 p.m. You must be able to attend all of the sessions otherwise you will miss some important info. We will be learning to use three different 3D design software programs (CAD and Mesh). You can create free accounts for all of these, just follow the links: TinkCad SculptGL (no account needed) OnShape Education Each day will have a new lesson and
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Categories: Events, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Pop Art Workshop with Michael Albert

Join us on Thursday, February 24th at 4:00 p.m. to create some awesome collages with local artist Michael Albert. Albert’s use of recycling in art is truly inspirational, and we’re excited to look at the contents of our recycling bins in a new light during this program. We’re putting together kits that include a canvas, scraps of construction paper, old magazines and various cardboard pieces. You’re welcome to gather any art supplies or recycling from around the house to use during the program as well. This program is intended for grades 4 through 8. Supplies are limited so make sure
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Categories: Events, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.