Learn How to Use Firefox!

Our computer classroom, also known as the cyberpool.Have parents, friends or relatives who want to learn how to go on the Internet?  If they know how to use a mouse, they'd fit right in at our Web Browser Basics class. Students will learn the basics of the Mozilla Firefox browser, including toolbar buttons, typing in a web address, using links, and finding information on a web page. The class is being offered on Friday, January 18, from 10:15 to 11:45 a.m., and will be repeated on Wednesday, January 23, from 7:30 to 8:45 p.m.

This is a hands-on class, with space for twelve people to work on computers, so please either call 914-422-1480 or stop by the Reference Desk to sign up for one of the dates.  Our computer classes are free; you just need to be 18 or older and register for them.

We also have a class for people who don’t know how to use a mouse, and a variety of intermediate classes for those who already have basic computer skills.  To see our computer class calendar for January, click here.

Categories: Classes, Homepage, and Library News.

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