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Filter CategoriesFilter - AllAcademic ResearchAudiobooksBusiness & FinanceComicsDrivingeBooksEducationEspanolFashionFundingGenealogyGovernment & PoliticsGrants & ScholarshipsHealth & MedicineHistoryKidsLanguageLawLiteratureMagazines & NewspapersMicrofilmMoviesMusicNewsReferenceScienceServicesSpacesTeenTests & TutorialsTrainingTechnologyFood Academic OneFile A great source for peer-reviewed, full-text journals and reference sources. Agriculture Collection Nearly 200 titles provide broad coverage of agriculture and related fields. Ancestry Library Edition Family history research tools. In-Library Use Only Ancestry Library Edition: @Home Now available at home in response to the COVID-19 health crises. The most comprehensive online source of information for conducting genealogical and local history research. Britannica School The go-to site for learning more about any subject—for all grades and all reading abilities—offering thousands of up-to-date, curated, and curriculum-relevant articles, images, videos etc. Go to Resource Business Economics and Theory More than 150 academic journals and magazines support econ studies. Business Insights: Essentials Research and analyze companies and industries around the world. Café and Friends Bookstore Features sandwiches, soups, chopped salads, smoothies, juices and coffee. CIA World Factbook The World Factbook provides basic intelligence on the history, people, government, economy, energy, geography, environment, communications, transportation, military, terrorism, and transnational issues for 265 world entities. Comics Plus: Library Edition Thousands of digital comic books are available with a click of your mouse or a tap of your finger with Comics Plus: Library Edition. Communications and Mass Media Collection Current, accurate information covers advertising, literature, linguistics and more. Computer Database News and reviews on electronics, engineering, communications and more. Conference Rooms Rooms located on the first floor of the library under the mezzanine are open for public use on a first come, first served basis. Court Listener Search millions of legal opinions by case name, topic, or citation in over 400 jurisdictions; includes some recordings of oral arguments. Criminal Justice Collection Access to 150 journals gives users insight into criminal justice topics. Culinary Arts Collection Find thousands of recipes, plus restaurant reviews and industry information. Diversity Studies Collection Find engaging explorations of cultural differences, contributions and influences. Free NY State DMVPractice Tests and Driver's Manuals. Educator's Reference Complete Journal and references cover child development, best practices and more. Environmental Studies and Policy Collection Find robust coverage of environmental policies and perspectives. ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) Indexing of journal and non-journal education literature. Estante Spanish-language multimedia entertainment: music, movies, series, TV channels, performing arts, podcasts, games and more. Fine Arts and Music Collection Wilson Art Index and RILM are among the resources in this collection. FirstFind Tools that can change your life, brought to you by the Westchester Library System. Foundation Directory Online Professional Directory of grant-awarding organizations. In-Library Use Only Foundation Grants to Individuals Online Grants to individuals can now be accessed through Foundation Directory Online Professional. In-Library Use Only Freading 10,000+ titles from most genres such as mystery, romance, and self help. Limited number of downloads per week. Available to White Plains Cardholders Only Free Music Archive The Free Music Archive is an interactive library of high-quality, legal audio downloads directed by WFMU, the most renowned freeform radio station in America. Go to Resource Gale Index - Health and Medicine Find reliable information on fitness, pregnancy, nutrition and much more. Gale Index - Home Improvement Articles on architectural techniques, zoning requirements, tools, and more. Gale Index - Informe Académico Una coleccion de revistas hispanicas con textos completos. Gale Index - New York Post Search the full text of the New York Post from January 19, 2000 to February 7, 2020. Gale Index - The New York Times Search the full text of The New York Times (starting in 1985). Gale Index – U.S. History Robust coverage for both novice historians and advanced researchers. Gale Literary Index Gale Literary Index is a master index to the major literature products published by Gale. It combines and cross-references author names, including pseudonyms and variant names, and listings for titles of works into one source. Gardening, Landscape and Horticulture Collection Nearly 50 journals cover topics from scientific and practical standpoints. Gender Studies Collection Balanced coverage of gender studies, family/marital issues, health and more. General OneFile A large general interest periodical resource. General Science Collection Updated daily, this collection includes 1.6 million articles and 200 journals. Hathi Trust The HathiTrust Digital Library is home to millions of digitized books and publications. Hello! Tell us about your library experience - good or bad. Homebound Unable to come in due to a disability? Call us and we'll deliver your items. hoopla Movies, Music, eBooks and Audiobooks. Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Collection Current content allows for focused study of the leisure industry. Information Science and Library Issues Collection Top content for information professionals and students. InfoTrac Newsstand A full-text newspaper resource providing access to more than 1,000 major U.S. regional, national and local newspapers including the NY Times 1985-Present. Insurance and Liability Collection Reliable information on labor relations, mortgages, legal issues and more. International Statistical Activities Directory of national statistical data for countries of the world compiled by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). Journal News - 1998 to Present View issues of the Journal News in digital format. Issues from 1998 to the present are available. Kanopy Kanopy offers one of the most unique and compelling collections of film ranging from documentaries, indie and foreign films to must-see classics and blockbuster movies. Kanopy Kids Streaming video service providing a wealth of quality content for children. Kids InfoBits Magazines and Dictionary (and more!) for Grades K-5. LinkedIn Learning - formerly Provides interactive lessons covering everything from using a search engine to building a website. Local History WPPL is a prime site for community memory and we hold a rich set of materials relevant to White Plains' past. Mango Languages Language learning interface that offers practical conversational skills and valuable cultural insight. The largest online catalogue of classical music, opera and dance videos. Available to White Plains Cardholders only Medline Plus Health information from the National Library of Medicine. MedlinePlus Espanol Health information from the National Library of Medicine in Spanish. Merck Manual Current medical diagnosis and treatment information from hundreds of medical experts and a staff of physicians and medical writers. Military and Intelligence Database Journal content covers the past and current state of military affairs. Mobile Hotspots Check out mobile hotspots. Get access to unlimited, high-speed Internet service anywhere Sprint provides data coverage. Available to White Plains Cardholders only Museum Passes Free passes to popular museums in NYC, the Hudson Valley and Connecticut. Available to White Plains Cardholders only Need eBook Help? Learn how to download Library ebooks onto your PC or ebook reader. New York State Newspapers Articles from major newspapers of the state. NOVELny Provided by the New York State Library, NOVELny connects New Yorkers to 21st century information. NOVELny is supported primarily with New York State funds. It is also supported in part with federal Library Services and Technology Act funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). Nursing and Allied Health Collection Current content helps nursing professionals as well as students. NYS Historic Newspapers The NYS Historic Newspapers project provides free online access to a wide range of newspapers chosen to reflect New York's unique history. Open Library Open Library is an open, editable library catalog, building towards a web page for every book ever published. Opposing Viewpoints Contains a range of perspectives on many important issues with over 13,000 pro/con viewpoints. Our Newsletter Provides information on upcoming Library programs, new services, and the best new content. OverDrive FREE downloadable eBooks, digital audiobooks, and magazines. OverDrive: Kids & Teens FREE downloadable eBooks and audiobooks for kids and teens. OverDrive's Libby An easy-to-use app from Overdrive for FREE downloadable eBooks, digital audiobooks, and magazines. Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine Collection Relevant, authoritative content covers treatment, research and more. Politwoops Searchable database of tweets deleted by public officials and candidates running for office. Pop Culture Collection Full-text periodicals support coursework and general interests alike. Popular Magazines Full-text access to the most searched magazines on the InfoTrac platform. Project Gutenberg Over 39,000 books, no Library Card Needed. ePubs, Kindle books, download them or read them online. Psychology Collection Find 24/7 access to 200 subject-appropriate full-text periodicals. Reference Solutions Formerly, ReferenceUSA. Business and residential directory information. Remote Access for White Plains Cardholders Only Religion and Philosophy Collection Insightful content covers every category of religion and philosophy. Research In Context An engaging cross-curricular resource created for middle school assignment needs. Room Rentals Meeting rooms available for rentals by organizations for civic, cultural, intellectual or educational purposes. Small Business Collection Full-text insights, tips and strategies for students and entrepreneurs. Sports Reference Detailed current and historical statistics for sports leagues, teams, players, coaches, and more. Covers baseball, basketball, football, and hockey. Suggest a Purchase We give serious consideration to all suggestions and acquire items for our Library based upon our Collection Management Policy and budget. White Plains Cardholders Only. The EDGE for Teens A place for teens in grades 7-12 to explore, play, work, and hangout The Gallery Come see our local artists display their collections. The Great Courses on Kanopy The Great Courses are a series of college-level lecture courses, perfect for anyone who wants to further their education or take a deep dive into a variety of subjects. The Hub Computer access and printing for public use. The New York Times Free, full access to The New York Times online — at home or in the Library. The Trove for Kids Materials, programs and services for our younger patrons and their caregivers. Thomas Register Directory of manufacturers. Tumblebooks Digital books and games to read and hear for children. Online help for homework. TV News Archive Search closed captions from U.S. TV news shows and view short video clips from over a million shows since 2009. U.S. History Collection Robust coverage for both novice historians and advanced researchers. United Way 2-1-1 Hudson Valley Region Resource Database Includes a Directory of Health and Human Services. University of Fashion Learn to be a fashion designer! US Northeast Newspapers- Digital Microfilm View and search eight select newspapers published in the Northeast, including the Journal News, in digital format. Remote Access for White Plains Cardholders Only Vocations and Careers Collection Nearly 400 titles include general career guides and industry journals. War and Terrorism Collection Periodicals for analysts, risk management professionals and students. White Plains Resources A guide to government, educational, and non-profit organizations. World History Collection Well-rounded coverage of current thinking and scholarly work. World Radio Map Find and stream content from AM/FM radio stations all over the world.
Filter CategoriesFilter - AllAcademic ResearchAudiobooksBusiness & FinanceComicsDrivingeBooksEducationEspanolFashionFundingGenealogyGovernment & PoliticsGrants & ScholarshipsHealth & MedicineHistoryKidsLanguageLawLiteratureMagazines & NewspapersMicrofilmMoviesMusicNewsReferenceScienceServicesSpacesTeenTests & TutorialsTrainingTechnologyFood