Don't Miss the Rest of the International Film Festival

Join us while you can for our International Film Festival! Each film will be shown at 2 p.m., and repeated at 7 p.m., on Mondays through the end of August.

Last week's film, The Band's Visit was sweet. If you haven't seen it, I recommend borrowing the DVD from our collection. In it, an Egyptian ceremonial band traveling to the opening of an Arab cultural arts center in Israel find themselves in the wrong small Israeli town after the last bus has left. This leads to an interesting night for all as the Israelis and Arabs touch each others lives as fellow humans.

Here's the remaining films:

  • 8/12 Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter and … Spring(South Korea, drama)
  • 8/19 Albert Nobbs (UK/Ireland, drama)
  • 8/26 Rudo y Cursi (Mexico, comedy/drama/sport)

We hope you'll come see as many films as your schedule allows. After the festival, the films will be put in our DVD collection and you can borrow any you missed. All films will be shown with subtitles.

Categories: Events, Homepage, and Library News.

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