Venessa Marco Performs at White Plains Library Poetry Slam

Our Poetry Slam & Open Mic program this Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. features Venessa Marie Marco, a member of the 2013 Nuyorican National Slam Team, which placed third in the National Poetry Slam in Boston in August. She is an Afro-Caribbean writer who recently moved to New York to pursue her education in creative writing and anthropology.

Come hear Venessa and share one of your poems with us. The program starts with an open mic session, and ends with a poetry slam, with our guest’s performance in between. To take part in the open mic or slam, please register at 6:30 p.m. Slammers should bring one original poem of up to three minutes. Registration closes promptly at 7.

Our Slammaster, Eric ZORK Alan, and the rest of our 2013 White Plains Library team competed in Boston this year and are already thinking about next year’s National Poetry Slam in Oakland, CA. Winners at our slams who take part in at least three of our 1st-Wednesday slams this season are eligible to compete in our finals in May for a spot on the 2014 White Plains Library team.

The White Plains Library Slam is the only nationally certified slam held in a library.

Note:  Our Poetry Slam & Open Mic program is held on the first Wednesday of each month – except for this month. In October we’ll be back on our regular schedule.

Categories: Events, Homepage, and Library News.

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