New Movie Streaming Service Available: Kanopy

We're excited to now offer Kanopy, a streaming movie service.  Kanopy offers a unique and compelling collection of films ranging from documentaries, indie and foreign films to must-see classics and blockbuster movies. But don’t take our word for it, go to the site itself and take a look.

When you first access Kanopy, you must register with your name, email address and password. A verification message will be sent to the email address provided. It will contain a link that takes you to Kanopy to finish the registration process. At that point, you enter your library card number and PIN, after which you’re all set to watch movies. And you shouldn’t have to enter this information again.

Here’s how it works:

  • You can stream up to 10 films per month; you receive 10 play credits every month.
  • You have 3 days to watch each film. Once you press play on a film, you have 3 days to view it as many times as you like without using another play credit.
  • Play credits reset on the 1st of the month. Once you have reached your quota of films, you will not be able to play any films until the new month starts when you will be given a fresh quota of 10 play credits again.
  • You can watch them on any device, including Roku, iOS, and Android apps.

Happy viewing. And if you have any questions, give us a call at 422-1400.

You can always access the service under the “My Library” tab by clicking “Movies and Music: Streaming” under the “Books and More” header.

Categories: Homepage.


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