A Year in Review

Sometimes it's good to pause and take a look at where you've been—and where you're going. In June, at the end of the Library's fiscal year, we put together a Year in Review that summarizes many of the changes the Library has gone through in the past year, from the completion of The Hub, the opening of the Everyday Healthy Cafe, to new programs and services. Download and view the PDF here, or if you prefer to read in print, pick up a copy the next time you are in the Library. Thanks go to the Mayor and Common Council for their support of the Library, our Board of Trustees for their leadership, our donors who—through the Foundation—have made so many enhancements possible, and my wonderful colleagues who have met every renovation and change with aplomb.

Brian Kenney
Library Director

Categories: Director's Corner, eNewsletter, Evergreen, Homepage, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

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