The White Plains Library Foundation is dedicated to the long term success of the Library and that’s why we hope you’ll provide instructions in your will for a planned gift. Making plans for a future gift creates a legacy for generations to come and helps ensure the Library stays open, responsive and accessible to everyone.
Around the country, libraries endure through planned gifts that help them adapt to changing community needs, technological innovations and uncertain economic cycles that can affect government funding.
Bequests are the simplest and most common form of planned gift. Residuary bequests are popular because the amount of the gift will automatically adjust based on funds available after other obligations have been paid. Here’s an example of language you can use to create a bequest:
I hereby bequeath _____% of my residuary estate (or $____ ) to the White Plains Library Foundation, Inc., a 501c(3) nonprofit organization located at 100 Martine Avenue in White Plains, NY 10601, tax ID number 13-3943092.
The Foundation appreciates unrestricted bequests because funds can be directed to meet the Library’s most urgent needs however a specific bequest for a particular purpose is a meaningful way to invest in the future.
While bequests are the most common type of planned gift, other options include gifts of life insurance, retirement plan benefits and other assets. Please check with a legal advisor to confirm what’s best for your situation. If you’d like to talk about a planned gift to benefit the Library, please contact the Foundation’s Executive Director, Nancy Rubini 914-422-1495.