Writing Tips for Young Writers: Writing Blocks

Caroline's “Writing Tips for Young Writers” column will feature fun writing prompts/props to motivate students in grades 3-6 to pursue creative writing. This month's column is “Writing Blocks: Find a Writing Buddy!”

Do you find yourself hitting a writing block—a feeling of not being able to write—even if you have to work on an assignment? Do you love to write for fun but feel as if you are climbing Mount Everest with each blank page?

As someone who loves to read and has been published, I still feel intimidated by the blank pages that await me. However, I’ve learned that writing is also a wonderful way to express yourself and find other writers.

The very beginning stages of writing can be difficult (because writing is often done alone) and you might feel lost and overwhelmed. A writing buddy (a friend, mentor, tutor or teacher) can help you keep on task and set small attainable goals. Objectives can include writing an hour a day, writing notes in a journal, or meeting at a coffee shop to share ideas or pages.

A writing buddy can be especially helpful during essays or projects. For NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), I teamed up with my friend, Robyn, who is also an assistant editor at Sundog Lit. Each night we set aside an hour or two to write and texted each other with how many words we had written. We also met weekly at our local coffee shop; this allowed us both to write and exchange ideas. Just like a gym buddy, a writing buddy can help you motivate you in your journey.

Categories: eNewsletter, Evergreen, Featured, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

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