April 2020 Virtual Calendar

Yes, our beautiful building at 100 Martine is temporarily closed, but it turns out there are plenty of other ways we can keep the Library open and still serve White Plains. Join us on Zoom with a variety of virtual events presented by Library staff and local experts. Find a full listing of events below with details on registering.

And don't forget, you can reach us Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at our new number 914-448-4859, by texting WPPL to 66746, or by emailing us anytime.

Ideas for programs or activities? Send them my way.

Take care,
Brian Kenney
Library Director


Lunchtime Meditation @ the Library
12:00-12:45 p.m.
Brief beginning instruction followed by meditation. No experience or special equipment needed.
Attend the program by clicking the Zoom link for the specific date you wish to attend: 4/22, 4/29.

Tarde de Ñ (Spanish Conversation)
Mondays Starting April 7
7:00–8:00 p.m.
Join Andrei Bezzubikoff for Tarde de Ñ. Andrei will offer discussion topics in Spanish for each session, providing participants with the opportunity to practice pronunciation and meaning. Participants should speak Spanish at an intermediate to advanced level. Attend the program by clicking the Zoom link for the specific date you wish to attend: 4/27.
Spanish for Beginners
Starting April 9
7:00-8:00 p.m.
This class is now full and no longer accepting registration.
Book Discussion: Stories of Motherhood
April 23
2:00-4:15 p.m.
Join Librarian Barbara Wenglin via Zoom as we continue our short-story discussion series with selections from the anthology Stories of Motherhood (Everyman’s Pocket  Classics, 2012). For this session please read “Winterscape” by Anita Desai (p.239), an intriguing immigrant tale revealing complex family secrets. The story is also available to borrow in the Desai collection Diamond Dust as an eBook through Hoopla. All are welcome including newcomers! Register through Zoom here.
Slow Reading Book Discussion
April 27
2:00-4:00 p.m.
Readings for each session, led by teacher and author Ellen Lambert, will be works of short fiction. Participants will study and discuss each story in detail, appreciating more fully what goes into making a great work of literature. Lambert has a Ph.D. from Yale in English and has taught high-school English at The Dalton School for over 25 years. For this session, please read “I'd Love You to Want Me” and “The Americans” by Viet Thanh Nguyen, taken from The Refugees, which is available in eBook from Overdrive. Attend the program by accessing Zoom with this link on 4/27.
eCommerce & Online Shopping Tips
Monday, April 27
6:00 – 6:45pm
Plan on shopping from home during the current pandemic? It is a good time to learn more. During this online, interactive presentation, Digital Media Specialist Austin Olney will break down some of the most popular online services and provide tips throughout. A Q&A will follow.

Register in advance for this webinar here.

Book ‘Em: Mystery Book Group
April 29
2:30 – 4:00 p.m.
Library Director Brian Kenney will lead a discussion of Laura Lippman's The Girl in the Green Raincoat. This short novel–which plays on the themes of Hitchcock's Rear Window–was originally serialized in the New York Times. Please borrow the eBook through Hoopla which has many copies; also available through OverDrive (Libby). Attend this program by accessing Zoom with this link on 4/29.
Relax with Virtual Reiki
April 29
7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Join Andrea Deierlein for a conversation about Reiki, a natural healing practice from Japan that brings balance to body, mind, and spirit. Andrea, a graduate teacher of the International House of Reiki, practices and teaches throughout Westchester County. For more information, see https://www.thrivereiki.com/. Attend the program by accessing Zoom with this link on 4/29.

Morning Storytime
Tuesdays & Thursdays Beginning April 7
11:00-11:30 a.m.
Stories and Songs for ages 2-6 with a Trove Librarian.

Attend the program by accessing Zoom with this link the date of the program: 4/21, 4/23, 4/28, 4/30.

Evening Storytime
Tuesdays & Thursdays Beginning April 7
6:30-7:00 p.m.
Stories and Songs for ages 2-6 with a Trove Librarian.

Attend the program by clicking the Zoom link for the specific date you wish to attend: 4/21, 4/28.

Tech Tips for Parents: “Minecraft vs. Fortnite vs. Roblox
Tuesday, April 21
4:30 – 5:15pm
“Tech Tips for Parents” is a weekly, digitally-streamed series where Digital Media Specialist Austin Olney will give relevant tips and knowledge for incorporating technology at home. This week, three popular games kids play these days will be compared and discussed. A Q&A will follow.

Register in advance here.

Tech Tips for Parents: Offline Technology Ideas
Tuesday, April 28
4:30 – 5:15pm
“Tech Tips for Parents” is a weekly, digitally-streamed series where Digital Media Specialist Austin Olney will give relevant tips and knowledge for incorporating technology at home. This week, a variety of “offline” activities will be discussed that do not require digital technology, but nonetheless teach core concepts within the related field. A Q&A will follow.

Register in advance here.

Virtual Open Mic for Kids
April 30
5:00 – 6:30 p.m.
An open Virtual Mic Night that will allow for kids/teens who have submitted work to share through Zoom. Attend the program by accessing Zoom with this link on 4/30.

Stream of Stream for Teens
4:00-5:00 p.m.
Meet up with other virtual friends in Austin Olney's livestream. He will feature games, apps, challenges, and more!

Info for joining here.

D&D for Teens
April 17 & 24
2:00-5:00 p.m.
For more information and to sign up, email jcarlson@whiteplainslibrary.org.
Life Skills for Teens
April 29
4:00-5:00 p.m.
Learn important Life Skills with Annett Barrett. See will cover a range of topics like shaking hands, setting a dinner table, saving money, and more. Register through Zoom here.
Categories: eNewsletter, Events, Homepage, and Library News.

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