Sch-EDGE-uled Videos

Do you miss the Edge as much as we do? Librarian Erik Carlson has been bringing a bit of the Edge to Instagram and Facebook every day, giving you a daily dose of the Edge while at home. Follow @theedgewppl on Instagram where you’ll find a daily schedule posted each morning around 11:00 a.m. The sch-Edge-ule always has a joke of the day, riddle of the day, and afternoon read aloud. And there is more! Librarian Carlson posts a Which Craft? Wednesday program, he’s working on online Uno games, and is working with Austin Olney, aka Schmiegel, on putting together T(h)echless Thursday programs.

Don’t have Instagram? No problem. We are posting videos to the Library’s Facebook page as well. Follow the White Plains Public Library and you will see Librarian Carlson’s Read Alouds every evening, Monday through Friday at 9:30 p.m., “Bedtime Stories for Teens and Adults.” On Friday afternoon a repost of Which Craft? Wednesday is posted for a weekend craft for the family. These crafts use household items and have a bit of improvisation to them so you don’t need to run to the store to complete them.

What has Librarian Carlson been reading? Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfefer. The author has generously given us permission to post videos of Librarian Carlson reading her book online. But there is a hitch. These videos can only stay up for 24 hours, so be sure to catch them everyday and don’t miss out on the story. Librarian Carlson reads between 10-15 minutes everyday!

Life As We Knew It was a Teen’s Top Ten pick in 2007 and popular paperbacks in 2011. What happens when an asteroid hits the moon? Total devastation. Follow Miranda’s diary entries to see what happens to her and her family.

Categories: eNewsletter, Evergreen, Homepage Teens, Library News, and Teens.

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