Stuck at Home: Teens Edition

Some of the sites listed here may be offering some content free of charge or may be offering free access currently in response to the virus, but will move to a charge model again in the future. Please take care when using these sites to avoid unwanted charges.

Online Reading from the Library
These resources require a library card to access.

  • Libby: Access an abundance of digital materials, including eBooks for teens from the Library’s catalog.
  • Comics Plus: Do your teens like comics? A great selection of e-comics, including many popular titles, available online.
  • Freading: Another resource for accessing YA ebooks. Compatible with all popular devices except the non-tablet Kindles. Download three titles per week.
  • Hoopla: Access lots of YA audiobooks.

Online Learning Resources from the Library
These resources require a library card to access.

  • – available Monday-Friday, 9am-10pm, FREE one-on-one tutoring in a variety of subjects.
  • Britannica School – online encyclopedia featuring articles, videos and activities
  • Learning Express Library – online practice tests and study guides, including school work skills building and college admission practice tests

In addition to the Library’s online and streaming resources, check out this list of sites selected by Library Staff:

Great Ideas for Activities and Experiences

Learning at Home Resources

This is a great time to write – journal, write poetry, start a short story or even a novel, make comics!

Arts and Crafts
Learn a new skill to keep your brain engaged and your hands busy.

  • Lettering Daily has tutorials and printable worksheets for learning calligraphy and brush lettering.
  • The Happy Ever Crafter is offering a free crash course in modern calligraphy.
  • Sign up for a free trial of Creativebug for classes on a variety of crafts, from knitting to watercolor.
  • Find a wide variety of craft ideas at DIY Projects for Teens.
  • Free printable coloring sheets and art-themed video tutorials from Joanna Basford, author of popular coloring books such as Secret Garden and Enchanted Forest.
  • A playlist of introductory knitting videos for beginners from Jen Geigley, knitwear designer and author.

Want to channel your teen’s energy into cooking for the family while you’re working from home? Check out these resources for some simple ideas.

There has never been a better time to brush up on tech skills. Check out these resources to gain various digital skills.

  • TinkerCAD has tutorials for learning how to design 3D models, simulate circuits, test code and more.
  • Scratch allows you to easily create animations and interactive experiences. Follow these beginner exercises to learn more.
  • App design has never been easier with App Lab, so you can learn the basics of working with any professional Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
  • Experiment with chords and rhythm or create a new song with Chrome Music Lab.
  • Practice block-based and JavaScript coding with a Star Wars theme.
  • BreakoutEDU provides games that promote learning in science and math.

Find board games to play online with your friends.

  • has popular board and card games you can just setup a free account.
  • Uno With Friends Offered by Microsoft. SIgnup and challenge your friends remotely in your favorite game.
  • Here’s a link from with a list of free, popular board games. You can turn a boring night into game night.
  • Scrabblegames has classic Scrabble and other word games to play online.

Solving puzzles is a fun way to keep your brain active. Here are some suggestions for places to look.

Categories: eNewsletter, Evergreen, Homepage Family CV, Homepage Teens, and Teens.

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