We Miss You!

This week is National Library Week, and while we can't quite celebrate in the usual fashion this year, we still wanted to do a little something to celebrate.

So in that spirit, our staff wanted to take this time to let you know that we miss you! Now maybe you can let us know what you miss most about visiting the Library. Leave us a comment below, send your messages and photos to kthornton@whiteplainslibrary.org, or let us know on social media.



Though the building may be closed, we're still offering reference assistance, virtual programs, and new content on our website every day, Monday-Friday. We're here to provide you, your family, and the community with reliable information, quality entertainment, and enriching programming.


Categories: Director's Corner, eNewsletter, Featured, Homepage, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.


  1. Rachel

    I miss you too! I miss getting to amble through the stacks and decide what to read next by whatever catches my eye and then judging the book by its cover. Luckily I checked out a huge pile of books and DVDs right before you closed, but it doesn’t make up for not getting to see your friendly faces, and the wonderful sense of community just being in the building brings me.

  2. Valerie

    We miss the WP Library staff as well! Thank you for the photos & the email messages.

    The one activity that I miss during quarantine is meandering through the stacks & walking out with a pile of books, spanning a variety of topics. Look forward to when the Library can open, but want everyone to be healthy and safe when it happens.

  3. Julia Jardine

    You guys are all effing amazing!! I miss the library so much. Hope you all are safe and well. Definitely have been on Libby during this time. <3

  4. Andrea

    Oh, my oh my, do we miss you! I miss the biographies waiting to be read, the used bookstore masquerading as a cafe/community center, all the DVDs (I promise, I’ll pass up the rom-coms for more documentaries) — and I really really miss all the books! Waiting for you…

    • Kristen, Adult Librarian

      We hear you! If you need any help utilizing out digital resources, let us know!

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