May Virtual Open Mic

On Saturday, May 30th, the Library will host another Virtual Open Mic. This event will take place from 5:00 to 5:50 p.m. To attend, access Zoom with this link on 5/30.

If you submitted anything for our comic or poetry prompts, or for our Documenting COVID-19 collection and would like to share your pieces at the event, please join us.

Writing is a solitary activity, and as we are socially distancing it can become even more solitary if we don’t have a place to share our work collectively. In the past I have done readings in Westchester and New York City. Sharing work online might not be the same as reading in person to a crowd, but it is just as fun.

For example, last month some patrons joined us for our Virtual Open MIc in honor of National Poetry Month and had a lot of fun. We shared original and published poetry, and one patron performed a sound poem.

This feeling of interconnectedness (as we explore our new virtual reality), reaching for our inner child or creative nature might be able to help us along the way during our pandemic experience.

I will be reading some of my favorite poems from Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein. We want to hear you and say a friendly hello because we miss our patrons!

Here are some questions to think about:

  • Do you think you are a creative person?
  • What do you like to create?
  • What are some of your favorite movies, songs, books and paintings?
  • What inspires you in your everyday life?
  • How can we keep our creative spark and energy flowing when there is so much uncertainty?
Categories: eNewsletter, Events, Homepage, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, and Library News.

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