December Project LIT Book Club for Teens

Calling all middle and high school students for a monthly virtual book club for teens. Each month, join librarians Kat and Lauren to discuss a Project LIT book and compete against friends in a mini trivia game.

On Friday, December 4th at 4 p.m., we’ll discuss Scythe by Neal Shusterman. Scythe was my favorite Battle of the Books selection of all time; even my husband read the series, which is saying something. In this near-future science fiction tale, humanity has conquered death. To control population size and preserve resources, a group of public servants known as Scythes are charged with reaping a set number of souls each year. When honorable Scythe Faraday requisitions teens Rowan Damisch and Citra Terranova for a yearlong apprenticeship, the two could not be more reluctant to take on the role of Scythe. Which one will be chosen as a Scythe at the end of the year?

Scythe is available as an eBook through OverDrive and in the library’s print collection. To register for the Zoom event, click here. You must have a Zoom account to attend this program; sign up for a free account here.

Categories: Library News.

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