NaNoWriMo for Young Writers: Sharing Time

In September and October, we offered a NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) program for young writers in grades 4-12. We brainstormed ideas, learned about conflict and worked on character sketches and writing prompts. This month, we're hosting an hour of quiet writing time each week for young writers to work on their NaNoWriMo project, or to work from writing prompts.

Next, in December we've set aside an hour for our young writers to get together to share and celebrate their work. All of the kids and teens who participated in our NaNoWriMo series from September through November are welcome to join in. We'll finally have a chance to hear the stories our friends have been working on, and maybe play a few games if time allows. We'll use Board Game Arena for the games, so participants may want to create a free account at before the program. To register, click here.

Categories: Events, Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, Kids, Library News, and Teens.

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