KnowlEDGE: Teen Services

Welcome to KnowlEDGE, news and information about teens services at the White Plains Public Library.

With cases of the Omicron variant dropping significantly and State mask restrictions being lowered we have made some changes in the Edge. The biggest change is video games. On Tuesdays you and your friends can come in and play the PS4, and on Thursdays you all can play the Nintendo Switch.

Future changes are coming. Things to look out for are in-person programs with Kat, Austin, and Erik! More computers to use and easier printing. The biggest change will be enjoying snacks in the Edge again, just not at a computer, video game area, or on the new furniture.

Come by, say hello to the staff, and play some video games. And be ready for more things that you love in the Edge to come back!

While you're here, check out some of the new books in the Edge!

Categories: COVID-19, Events, Homepage Teens, Library News, and Teens.

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