Erik’s Goodbye

I started working here over 11 years ago. I was interviewed and hired by Assistant Director Pat Thorsen and Director Sandra Miranda. I was brought to White Plains to help build Young Adult services in anticipation of the Library’s new teen space, The Edge.

After my first year here we had an administrative change. Brian Kenney and Kathy Degyansky replaced our Director and Assistant Director. When I first met Brian he wanted to talk about the design of The Edge. We visited many libraries to see what worked and what didn’t and created an entirely new plan for our teen space. I had my work cut out for me.

I did tons of outreach to make teens aware that not only is there a public library in the City, but it has stuff that teens are interested in too. We recruited Austin Olney to run tech programs for teens and hired a part time librarian, Kathlyn Carroll, to help in The Edge as well.

What happened was unexpected, in a few months the room was packed. Kathlyn was given a full-time position and we were rolling. The last seven years working with Kathlyn, Austin, and many part-time staff members has been amazing. I have had so many memorable experiences. The teens were so much fun to work with and get to know. We watched so many youngsters grow up and go to college. We helped so many students get through school and life. We had tons of fun playing games and running programs with them.

I am indebted to Brian Kenney, Josh Carlson, and Tim Baird who all helped me grow as a librarian. The experiences that I had here were invaluable. I could not have made the move to my next position without any of them. My career goal has always been to become a director of a public library, and my opportunity came quite suddenly this summer. Which is why I have so many mixed feelings about leaving.

I will miss my co-workers who I have had so much fun with, the work we have done together was amazing. I will miss the teens who I have had the opportunity to work with over the years, and I will miss the teens who are yet to come and hang out in The Edge. I will miss the parents, teachers, community partners, and the program presenters I have worked with over the years. I will really miss the space, the video games, 3D printers, the furniture, and all of the memories I have made here.

I will be joining the Dobbs Ferry Public Library as the executive director, reaching a huge milestone in my career.. This role will take me out of working with the public to a large extent. I am excited for this opportunity. I would not have been given this opportunity without the support of my supervisors and all of the wonderful opportunities I have had here in White Plains. I am very sad to leave The Edge behind, but I know that Kathlyn and Austin will continue to build upon what we started. And a new librarian will come in to bring even more services and opportunities for teens than I would have never imagined.

I will really miss this place, but will always bring my memories here with me. I would like to thank again everyone in the Library who I’ve worked with for making this place so amazing.

Categories: Library News.

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