The Writer’s Law School

If you're a writer, you know how difficult it is to obtain information about protecting your rights in creative projects as well as how to decipher the “legalese.”

That's why you should attend The Writer’s Law School: Protecting your Artistic Rights, on Wednesday. October 19th from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Click here to register.

In this workshop designed for writers, you'll learn:

  • The differences between Copyright, Trademarks, Patents and Service Marks
  • The Copyright Registration Process and the CASE law
  • What is the Public Domain?
  • What is the Fair Use Doctrine?
  • Which Business Entity is best for my writing career?
  • What are the Right of Privacy, Libel and Slander?
  • The Anatomy of a Publishing Deal-Contract Basics
  • Resources to help you protect your rights
About Jodé Millman
In addition to the award-winning author of The Midnight Call, Jodé has been an attorney for more than 40 years with practical experience in Intellectual Property Law. Her latest thriller, Hooker Avenue, was released on April 19th. To learn more about Jodé, check out her website at
Categories: Events, Featured, and Library News.

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