Are you looking for a tutor for your child? Do you need help preparing for college entrance exams? Maybe you need assistance writing a resume or looking for a new job? With you can get expert assistance with all of the above and much more at no cost to you with your White Plains library card. Here are just a few of the resources available through

- Connect with a live tutor on a variety of subjects from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
- Submit a paper for review – tutors will get back to you in 12 hours.
- Drop off a math question. If you don't have time for a live math tutoring session, you can submit a question and get feedback in less than 24 hours.
- Take a practice quiz on a variety of topics and subjects.
- Prep for the SAT/ACT, grad school tests like the GRE, and AP exams.
- You can even watch tutorial videos for math and English. also has a SkillsCenter Resource Library with worksheets, lessons, videos, and more. Their library is full of study resources, test prep resources, and even career resources like resume and cover letter templates, local open jobs, and much more.

So how do you get started?
Once you have your White Plains library card, access on our website here and log in with your library card number and pin (usually the last four digits of your telephone number). After signing in you'll reach the below screen where you can select a tutoring topic like English or Job Help, choose another option like submitting a paper, or you can scroll down to see the SkillsCenter Resource listing.
Need help getting started on Call us at (914) 422-1400 or view the How to Get Started Guide here.

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