Our Annual Report

In the past year, the Library has grown in every way imaginable while we continue to support our Strategic Plan. Our strategic goals infuse everything we do: promote equity, diversity and inclusion; expand community engagement; renew our infrastructure; improve sustainability; and learn from our experiences with COVID. We have acquired more content than ever, although you may not notice as much of it is digital. We’re circulating a range of items, from hotspots and laptops to museum passes. But more significantly, we’ve expanded our programs, with White Plains residents coming together to learn English, become citizens, discuss books, experience 360-degree virtual content in our new Optimum Room, and so much more. Finally, our youngest users are enjoying the Trove’s programs and collections in record setting numbers. Thanks to Mayor Thomas Roach, the Common Council, the Library Board of Trustees, the Library Foundation, and the Friends of WPPL for their support.

Click on our report below to Zoom in:


Categories: Director's Corner, Homepage, and Library News.

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