Hathi Trust

We are entering a new era of scholarship. An era that requires more collaboration. More transparency. More curiosity. That’s why HathiTrust exists — to lead this era by empowering a diverse collective of research and teaching libraries from around the globe. Our digital library preserves the published record for durable, long-term, and lawful access, stewarded in partnership with the academic institutions supporting our work.

HathiTrust was founded in 2008 as a not-for-profit collaborative of academic and research libraries now preserving 18+ million digitized items in the HathiTrust Digital Library. We offer reading access to the fullest extent allowable by U.S. and international copyright law, text and data mining tools for the entire corpus, and other emerging services based on the combined collection. The HathiTrust Digital Library is home to millions of digitized books and publications.

Please note that membership in Hathi Trust is for schools, libraries and research organizations. For those who are not associated with a member organization, a guest account may be used to access it. Details for setting one up are available here. Full access to the entire HathiTrust Digital Library is afforded to all regardless of membership status; however, with a guest account you will also be able to save and share personal collections.

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Categories: Academic Research, eBooks, Literature, Microfilm, and Resources.