Voting Information for Westchester County

There are lots of names on a ballot, but how do you decide which box to check? If you’re a teen or adult who might be voting for the very first time, or know someone who’s voting for the first time, or just want a refresher themselves – this is the presentation for you!

Here you can find information about how to register to vote, reminders about the registration deadline on October 26th, some places to get more information about candidates, and perhaps most importantly: there will be a proposal to vote on, it will be on the back of your ballot – do not forget to check the back of your ballot!

While this presentation is aimed at White Plains voters specifically, there is information that can be useful to any Westchester County resident.

The Candidate Forums hosted by the League of Women Voters and mentioned in the presentation can be found at this link here, for a better understanding of where the candidates stand on the issues that matter to you.

Most of all, please please please remember: Every! Vote! Matters! This presentation will help you make sure that your vote gets counted and makes a difference!

Categories: Teens.

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