For our elementary schoolers, please join us for our programs at The Trove! We have an array of activities for different age groups throughout the month.
Magical Mondays – Grades 3-6
The Igloo
January 6th 4:30-7:00PM
Join us in creating magical Little Wizards characters through words or pictures (or both!) and playing those characters in class at Epic Academy! What adventures will your Little Wizard have today?
Trove Trivia Book Club- Grades 4-6
Galaxy Hall
January 7th 4:30-5:30PM
Do you love reading, trivia, and a bit of competition? Join the Trove Trivia Book Club. First 6 registered get their own copy of the book! Register at The Trove desk. This month’s book is Measuring Up by Lily LaMotte. The book can be found in all available formats here.
Beaded Snowflakes- All Ages
The Castle
January 8th 3:30-5:00PM
Stop in the castle to make your own snowflake decoration with pipe cleaners + beads!
Draw on The Wall in The Igloo- Grades 1-3
The Igloo
January 9th 4:00-6:00PM
We'll use an iPad to help us color in the coloring page projected on the Igloo walls!
American Girl Book Club- Grades 1-6+Their grown-up
Galaxy Hall
January 18th 11AM-12:30PM
This month's book is No Ordinary Sound, we'll discuss Melody Ellison's life during the Civil Rights Movement and make our own campaign buttons. Register at The Trove starting December 16th! The version we are reading can be found here, earlier publication versions can be found here.
White Bird: Holocaust Remembrance Day Discussion- Ages 10+
Galaxy Hall
January 21 6:00PM-7:00PM
For Holocaust Remembrance Day, we'll be discussing the graphic novel White Bird by R.J. Palacio and playing a game of Jeopardy. The first 6 child registrants will receive their own copy of the book! The graphic novel can be found here, all other available formats can be found here.
K-2 Stories & Stuff: Hibernating Bears
Galaxy Hall
January 23 4:30PM
Afternoon stories and craft for grades K-2. We will read about hibernating bears and then create our own bear craft!
Lego Club!- All Ages
Galaxy Hall
January 27th 3:30-5:15PM
Drop in and build with the Library's LEGOs. Each session we'll provide a building theme or challenge, but also feel free to just build whatever you want!
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