Caroline Reddy was born in Shiraz, Iran and moved to the United States when she was eight years old. She fell in love with stories after reading The Last Unicorn and Boy's Life. She has a Master of Arts in Writing from Manhattanville College, an MLS from Queens College and a background in Education. Caroline has been involved in a variety of writing communities including For the Love of Words and Immigrants & Exile. Her work has been published in Breadcrumb Magazine and The Literary Oak Review. She is interested in developing the notion of Writing Boxes to motivate young patrons to tell their own unique stories in a fun way. Some of her favorite books include: Paradise, A Tale for the Time Being, Catching the Moon, Speak, Boy's Life, As I Lay Dying, LOTR, Vinyl Princess, Ghost World and Persepolis. Caroline also enjoys live music and is interested in the healing arts–she holds a certification in Reiki III.