The Edge at the White Plains Public Library is happy to continue our new College and Career Edge series this fall. We'll be using our Igloo room to host a variety of virtual and in-person programs. In the Igloo, students can experience Virtual Reality (VR) without a headset in the library's newly installed panoramic content room. Views from 360° content and more will be provided in this fun series of programs. Technology installed by Igloo Vision and funded by the Library Foundation/Optimum. College and Career Edge Series: Virtual College Visits in the Igloo We will be visiting various college campuses
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Archives for career
College and Career Edge Programs: Fall 2024
The Edge at the White Plains Public Library is happy to continue our new College and Career Edge series this school year. We'll be using our new Igloo room to host a variety of virtual and in-person programs. In the Igloo, students can experience Virtual Reality (VR) without a headset in the library's newly installed panoramic content room. Views from 360° content and more will be provided in this fun series of programs. Technology installed by Igloo Vision and funded by the Library Foundation/Optimum. College and Career Edge Series: Mango Languages Library Join us to study your choice of over
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Summer College and Career Edge Programs
College and Career Edge Programs in the Summer The Edge at the White Plains Public Library is happy to announce our new College and Career Edge series this summer. We'll be using our new Igloo room to host a variety of virtual and in-person programs. In the Igloo, students can experience Virtual Reality (VR) without a headset in the library's newly installed panoramic content room. Views from 360° content and more will be provided in this fun series of programs. Technology installed by Igloo Vision and funded by the Library Foundation/Optimum. College and Career Edge Series: Financial Literacy We will
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May College and Career Edge Programs
College and Career Edge Programs in May The Edge at the White Plains Public Library is happy to announce our new College and Career Edge series this fall. We'll be using our new Igloo room to host a variety of virtual and in-person programs. In the Igloo, students can experience Virtual Reality (VR) without a headset in the library's newly installed panoramic content room. Views from 360° content and more will be provided in this fun series of programs. Technology installed by Igloo Vision and funded by the Library Foundation/Optimum. College and Career Edge Series: Financial Literacy We will be
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April College and Career Edge Programs
Join us in The Edge for our College and Career Edge series this winter/spring. We'll be using our new Igloo room to host a variety of virtual and in-person programs. In the Igloo, students can experience Virtual Reality (VR) without a headset in the library's newly installed panoramic content room. Views from 360° content and more will be provided in this fun series of programs. Technology installed by Igloo Vision and funded by the Library Foundation/Optimum. Teen Job Search Tips, Applications, Resumes & More Thursday, April 11 from 7-8 PM Register here! A free virtual workshop conducted by a professional
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College and Career Edge Programs in March
College and Career Edge Programs in March The Edge at the White Plains Public Library is happy to announce our new College and Career Edge series this fall. We'll be using our new Igloo room to host a variety of virtual and in-person programs. In the Igloo, students can experience Virtual Reality (VR) without a headset in the library's newly installed panoramic content room. Views from 360° content and more will be provided in this fun series of programs. Technology installed by Igloo Vision and funded by the Library Foundation/Optimum. College and Career Edge Series: Stand Out For College We
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College and Career Edge Programs in February
College and Career Edge Programs in February The Edge at the White Plains Public Library is happy to announce our new College and Career Edge series this fall. We'll be using our new Igloo room to host a variety of virtual and in-person programs. In the Igloo, students can experience Virtual Reality (VR) without a headset in the library's newly installed panoramic content room. Views from 360° content and more will be provided in this fun series of programs. Technology installed by Igloo Vision and funded by the Library Foundation/Optimum. College and Career Edge Series: Virtual College Visits in the
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College and Career Edge Winter/Spring Series
Join us in The Edge for our College and Career Edge series this winter/spring. We'll be using our new Igloo room to host a variety of virtual and in-person programs. In the Igloo, students can experience Virtual Reality (VR) without a headset in the library's newly installed panoramic content room. Views from 360° content and more will be provided in this fun series of programs. Technology installed by Igloo Vision and funded by the Library Foundation/Optimum. College and Career Edge Series: Stand Out for College We will be hosting the following programs in partnership with Stand Out For College. These
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Success with LinkedIn® Professional Networking Services
Do you want to create a LinkedIn® (professional networking services) account? Do you already have one but need pointers on how to create a better profile? Come to the presentation given by Rose Macom, career counselor on November 4th at 6:30 p.m. This program is suitable for job seekers and business professionals interested in expanding their network. Come and learn how to set up a profile or enhance an existing one. Discover LinkedIn® features and applications and explore how to make connections and network effectively.
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Identity Theft
If you or someone you know has ever been a victim of identity theft, you realize how awful it can be. It can consume time and cost money to repair the damage. We're hosting a workshop on Wednesday, May 13 at 7:00 p.m. where you'll learn what identity theft is, how thieves get and use your personal information, how to protect yourself and what to do if you are a victim. Presented by Chris Dlugozima of GreenPath Debt Solutions.
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The Road to Employment
This month we have an invaluable four-session series for job seekers that you won't want to miss! While it is encouraged that you attend the entire series, you are welcome to come when you are able. No registration necessary. Who am I?: Develop an Eye-Catching Cover Letter Monday, March 16 at 2:00 p.m. Participants will not only learn the format and necessary information to include in a cover letter, but they will explore how to utilize their life experience to appeal to employers. Build an Appealing Resume: Tips in Creating a Resume Wednesday, March 18 at 2:00 p.m. Participants can gain an
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Free Career Counseling Seminar at the Library
Need to reassess and get your career back on track? In today's changing workplace where one's career can take some unexpected twists and turns, people have been turning to WEBS Career Camp; Educational Counseling Service, a program of the Westchester Library System, for free career counseling assistance. This winter WEBS will be offering a dynamic eight-week career seminar for adults at the White Plains Public Library. Managing Your Career in Changing Times is a comprehensive seminar that offers interest and personality assessment, group discussion and exercises, exposure to a wide variety of informational resources and guidance from a professional career
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Doing Business with the Federal Government
Please attend this workshop covering such topics as procurement methods, subcontracting and marketing your small business to the Federal government. Presented by the Small Business Association. Wednesday, October 29 from 1:30-3:30 p.m.
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Join Job Club for Expert Job Seeking Advice
Out of work? Underemployed? Looking to change career paths or just start one? The White Plains Library Job Club is for you. Each week professional career counselors will introduce a new topic from interview skills to using social media for a job search. Get support, exchange ideas, ask questions or explore new strategies. Adults are welcome each Tuesday morning, 10:30-Noon, until December 10th. While it is recommended and encouraged that you attend the entire series, you are welcome to come when you're able. For further information, contact Librarian Sharon Rothman (914) 422-6979 or
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Come Join the Job Club
Out of work? Underemployed? Looking to change career paths or just start one? This newly formed job club is for you. Each week professional career counselors will introduce a new topic from interview skills to using social media for a job search. Get support, exchange ideas, ask questions or explore new strategies. Adults are welcome each Tuesday morning, 10:30-Noon, from now until December 10th. While it is recommended and encouraged that you attend the entire series, you are welcome to come when you're able. For further information, contact Librarian Sharon Rothman (914) 422-6979 or
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Hands-on Help for the Unemployed and Under-Employed
Our next program for job seekers provides two great workshops in one: 1. Digital Dirt: Unfavorable Information About You That Can Be Found on the Internet. Do you realize that digital dirt might sabotage your job search or career development? Come and learn how to manage your online reputation. 2. E-Resumes: Preparing Your Resume for Email and Online Job Sites. Format your resume for posting online and emailing to prospective employers. Bring your resume saved on a flash stick/floppy disk/email in .doc format. This program takes place Wednesday, September 25, 7:30 – 8:45 p.m. Seats are limited, so don’t delay!
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adults, career, classes, computers, and technology.
Help for the Unemployed and Under-Employed
Job Hunters: Come to Online Job Search, our computer class on Wednesday, July 31, at 7:30 p.m., to discover web sites to help you find a job or switch careers. Participants in this hands-on class will be introduced to a number of resources available on the web. Seats are limited, so don't delay! To register, go to our Computer Classes calendar, then click on the class name on the calendar and fill out the brief form.
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Social Media and Your Job Search: Use LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter to Land Your Next Interview
Monday, June 17 from 7:00-8:30 p.m. Social media has helped to create new and unique ways to search for a job. Come hear Bless Vaidian, career coach talk about how to use social media as an ally in your job search. There are many ways to use LinkedIn and other online profiles to find job listings, follow leads, connect with professionals in your industry and promote yourself that will help boost your career. Please come to this most informative workshop. No registration needed. This program is funded by the White Plains Library Foundation.
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Seeking Work? Join the Job Club!
Out of work? Underemployed? Looking to change career paths or just start one? This newly formed job club is for you. Each week professional career counselors will introduce a new significant topic to the job seeker such as interview skills and social media. Get support, exchange ideas or explore new strategies. Adults are welcome each Tuesday morning, 10:30-11:30, from now until April 30. (No club February 12 or March 26.) Come to all sessions or come when you can. For further information, contact Librarian Sharon Rothman (914) 422-6979 or
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Seeking Work? Join the Job Club!
Out of work? Underemployed? Looking to change career paths or just start one? This newly formed job club is for you. Each week professional career counselors will introduce a new significant topic to the job seeker such as interview skills and social media. Get support, exchange ideas or explore new strategies. Adults are welcome each Tuesday morning, 10:30-11:30, from now until April 30. (No club February 12 or March 26.) Come to all sessions or come when you can. For further information, contact Librarian Sharon Rothman (914) 422-6979 or
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