Archives for census

Census: Not too Late to Count

During this time when it can be difficult to find a way to help our city, there is a very important thing you can do to support it – and the best part is that it can be done from your own home. If you haven't responded to the Census yet, take 10 minutes to shape our future for the next 10 years. Online, phone, and mailed self-responses continue through October 31st. Complete the Census online here or call (844) 330-2020. Have questions? Give us a call at (914) 448-4859.
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Categories: eNewsletter and Library News.

Local History: Why Data Isn’t Boring

Data is not boring, especially if you are interested in establishing historical truth. In the past year, Americans have been exposed to an immense amount of data about age, health, economic status, and opinions. A number we hear a lot about these days is 77,7440–the votes in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin that helped Donald Trump win the electoral vote even though Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by about 2.8 million votes. With increasing levels of partisan skepticism influencing news consumers and creators alike, outlets like FiveThirtyEight and Vox can offer refreshingly empirical perspectives to those who enjoy studying history.
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Categories: Local History.