Archives for Do Gooders

Virtual Teen Volunteering

Almost everything about the 2020-21 school year is different, and that includes earning community service hours. Usually around this time the fall sessions of the Do Gooders, the Library’s teen community service group, would be well underway. With library services restricted by safety concerns, we’re offering a different opportunity for teens to earn volunteer hours directly through us. We’re collecting book reviews written by teens, to be featured on our website. Teens can submit a book review by filling out this online form; each review is worth one hour, with a cap of 8 hours per person per month. I’d
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Categories: Homepage Teens, Library News, and Teens.

Doing Good in the Edge: Project Linus

Kathlyn's “Doing Good in the Edge” column highlights projects from the Do Gooders teen community service group agencies and organizations in the community Doing Good. The Allstate Foundation supports the Do Gooders in their work. Sewing handmade blankets for Project Linus has been one of the Edge’s longest-running service projects, even before the Do Gooders community service group formed. Project Linus is a nationwide, volunteer-led organization that collects handmade blankets and distributes them to children in hospitals and shelters. Adele Shapiro, Chapter Coordinator for Project Linus in Westchester, says the handmade blankets bring warmth, love, and security to children in
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Categories: eNewsletter, Events, Evergreen, Library News, and Teens.

Fall Do Gooders Schedule

Thanks to everyone who volunteered at the Library this summer! Overall, 80 volunteers completed 661 hours of community service in the Trove and the Edge in July and August. Our Do Gooders group made 55 dog toys for the Paws Crossed Animal Rescue center in Elmsford, 15 baby blankets for Project Linus, 128 paracord bracelets for military charity Operation Gratitude, four ziploc bags full of earrings for a women’s shelter, and countless birthday cards and placemats for Meals on Wheels. Thank you to the Allstate Foundation for the continued support of our various volunteer programs for teens. We can't wait
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Categories: Director's Corner, eNewsletter, Events, Library News, and Teens.