Archives for Library events for teens

After Hours for White Plains Teens in Grades 9-12

As part of a citywide initiative to provide more evening activities for high schoolers, the Library is excited to offer regular evening programming for teens. Monthly, the Library will host After Hours at the Library. This is a special event, when the Library is not open to the general public, on the first Friday of the month from 6:00 – 9:00 pm for high school students who live in the city of White Plains. For the September 6 event, we'll have video games, arts and crafts, Legos, a session of Dungeons and Dragons, and more. 2024-25 Dates: September 6 October
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Categories: Homepage Kids, Homepage Teens, and Teens.

Dungeons & Dragons

Virtual Dungeons & Dragons Campaign For Teens in Grades 7-12 Starting October 6th, on the first and third Wednesdays of each month through January 4:00-7:00 p.m. Join us for a new Dungeons & Dragons campaign led by Dungeon Master Ben Seligson. Create your own character, give your character a backstory, then travel along with the group fighting monsters and saving the virtual world from impending doom. This campaign is open to new and seasoned veterans of D&D. We will be meeting on Wednesdays twice a month for 3 hours. You must be able to participate in all sessions, or your
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Categories: Events, Homepage Teens, Library News, and Teens.