Our first School Break Mini-Camp held at the end of December was a great success. Teens worked with Ashley Perez (engineering major at the University of Buffalo), and Louis Grassi (student at White Plains High School). They worked on a variety of projects showing different ways of creating energy, from bio-fuels to solar panels and wind turbines to perpetual motion. Our second School Vacation Maker Camp—held February 18-21—will focus on Robotics. Teens will participate in a variety of no tech to hi tech activities that will teach basic skills in Engineering, Coding, Design Thinking, and Computational Thinking. Some of the
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Con Edison Maker Camp for Teens
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Con Edison, Maker Camp, science, STEAM learning, STEM, STEM learning, and teen programs.
Con Edison, Maker Camp, science, STEAM learning, STEM, STEM learning, and teen programs.