Archives for photo

Documenting COVID-19: Uplifting Rocks

Photo and text submitted by Ro Munns on May 30, 2020. An anonymous White Plains resident painted “uplifting rocks” and sprinkled them around WP neighborhoods. When people were out walking they could see and enjoy them. I saw this one on Mamaroneck Ave not far from my home. It certainly helped to put things back into perspective! Submit your own experience.
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Categories: COVID-19, Featured, Homepage, and Library News.

Documenting COVID-19: County Courthouse Flags

Photos and text submitted by Helen Jonsen, Director of Public Information, Westchester County District Attorney's Office. April 15, 2020–On a clear windy day, flags few at half-staff in White Plains to salute those who have died of Covid-19 in New York State. Photos were taken on the plaza of the Richard J. Daronco Westchester County Courthouse. Also on the plaza is a memorial to police officers who have died in the line of duty. At one angle, it looked like the statue was joining the flags in remembrance. There was silence save for the pinging of the hooks on the
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Categories: COVID-19, Featured, Homepage, and Library News.

Documenting COVID-19:
Garbage Truck Story

Story and photo submitted by Robin Cohen. During the 2020 pandemic my daughter, her husband, and two young sons moved out of the city to live with me. Every morning the seven year old has school at nine. I take the under two grandson for long walks. On our walks one of his favorite things to see is garbage trucks. Every time we pass one, the driver honks and the sanitation workers wave. It really feels like a connection. The attached picture is of a sweater I knit for him to always remember this. Submit your own experience.
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Categories: COVID-19, Homepage, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.