White Plains Department of Recreation and Parks is gearing up for their Jump In and Swim! program. Jump In and Swim! Every child and adult should have the opportunity to learn to swim. Jump In and Swim! is designed to help children and adults learn basic swimming skills and water safety practices. Learning these skills helps to build confidence and self-esteem. Swimmers will grow stronger in body, mind and spirit. All Jump In and Swim! events are free and take place at the White Plains High School pool. To register for these programs, contact Ellen Albers, 914-422-1255 or ealbers@whiteplainsny.gov. Friday, March 28
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Archives for trove storytime
Storytimes: In-Person Update
We are excited to announce that we will be bringing back in-person Storytimes for Ages 2-6 beginning in April. Storytimes will take place outside on the Library Plaza with an inclement weather backup plan, as follows, below. On the Plaza, we ask that you seat yourselves as you feel comfortable, but please do give the Librarian socially distanced space. Masks are not required, but may be worn if you so choose. Feel free to bring a blanket or something to sit on. Above all, please respect the decisions and comfort of other attendees as we navigate our return to a
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