Fake News Workshop 3/22 @ 7:00 PM

Fake news is a topic we hear a lot about, but is it as simple as figuring out what's fake and what's real? Join Librarian Ben Himmelfarb on Wednesday, March 22, at 7:00 PM for Present-Truth: How To Navigate the World of Fake (and Real) News. We will learn skills for determining what in the news is true and how to analyze your information sources to make sure you are the best informed that you can be. In this participatory workshop, we will also discuss strategies for dealing with rapid news cycles, social media dynamics, and how the library can help if you are feeling overwhelmed.

Here are the slides from the workshop: Click to Download Presentation

Featured Image from “Alternative Facts and Fake News – Verifiability in the Information Society” on IFLA Blogs. Link to article: http://blogs.ifla.org/lpa/files/2017/01/How-to-Spot-Fake-News.pdf

Categories: Events and Featured.


  1. […] Ben Himmelfarb of White Plains Library talked about fake news workshops the library offered to the community, both in and outside the library. He starts his workshops by […]

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