Monthly Archives August 2018

Amazon Smile

Attention Amazon shoppers, and who isn’t one? We hope you’ll agree to identify the White Plains Library Foundation when you make purchases on Amazon because it helps us raise money to support the Library. Each quarter, the AmazonSmile Foundation makes donations to eligible charitable organizations by electronic funds transfer. It’s easy to participate and there's no cost. All you need to do is start your shopping at AmazonSmile (not the regular Amazon url) so please consider changing your bookmark. When prompted, enter the White Plains Library Foundation (one time, it will remember you) and whenever you shop, the AmazonSmile Foundation
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Categories: Uncategorized.

Meet Ashley Bressingham

This month, we’d like you to join us in welcoming Ashley Bressingham to the Library and the White Plains community. Bressingham has joined our ranks as a Children’s Librarian in the Trove. You’ve probably already seen her at the Trove’s Compass Desk, but she’ll also be leading children’s programming events. I interviewed her this week to learn a little bit more about her and her love of libraries. Bressingham, who grew up in Garden City, Long Island, calls herself a “life-long library patron” as she began frequenting her local library at a young age. Further proof of an early interest
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Categories: Kids.

Automatic Renewal

Here’s some good news: from now on, we will automatically renew your material before it becomes due. Why are we doing this? Because the number one reason most people don’t use the Library is that the loan periods are too short (and difficult to keep track of). And because when life gets hectic—and when isn’t it?—the first thing we forget to do is to renew our library books, movies, and music. Here’s how automatic renewal works: The day an item becomes due, you will receive an email stating: “The following items have been renewed for you (title, new due date).
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Categories: Director's Corner, Evergreen, Homepage, and Library News.