Seashell Craft

By Caroline Reddy, Trove Librarian.

Like many people living under strict guidelines during this global pandemic, I am finding new ways to be creative with what materials I have available. In addition, I have also become more conscious of how to conserve supplies and use leftovers: especially food.

For a sandcastle craft, you will need a few items:

  • a piece of blank paper
  • a pencil with an eraser
  • cereal (like the shredded ones)
  • and seashells if you have them

First, have your child trace a castle (you can find a picture online) or use the provided link. Next, gather the shredded cereal in a small bowl, and begin to slowly trace the lines of Castle with small pieces of the cereal. The last bits left in the box will already be shredded, and can be used for your craft. If you have a few seashells, you can use those to decorate the bottom of the sand craft.

This activity is a great way to use leftovers, bond with your child, and focus on the present moment as you lay the tiny pieces. For extra fun and learning opportunities you can ask a few questions:

  • What is your favorite memory of the beach?
  • Have you ever made a sandcastle?
  • What are some of the items that you find on the beach?

Useful Link:

Categories: Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

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