Documenting COVID-19:
Corona Crisis Franken-Poem

Below is a “Dr. Covid Franken-poem” assembled by White Plains Library's Poetry Slammaster Eric “Zork” Alan. Assembled from pieces of far more fantastic source poems in our monthly poetry prompt [Poets: Romina [Age 46], Nicholas Kalaj [Age 28], Nava D. Pollak [Age 11], and anonymous.

Dr. Covid Franken-poem

Like a Frankenstein future made properly present
Piece by piece
Our scars will be seen for our next generations of usersLike wondrous wheels
Socially spaced we carry heavy weight

It’s a beautiful bicycle
We ride in a worrisome winter
Down empty streets
Across sidewalks we are separated
But somehow social

Dirty gloves daily
Protect us daily from scary surfaces

Like a beautiful buzzing bee
I’m busy being busy
My SOUL purpose
To stay safe
But somehow still social
We all need some proper pollination
We build, we build
It’s a good service being bee busy

Like a treasure Trove
Of fountain pens
We flow
Like a never stopping notary
We flow with flights of fancy
With small soft hands
We have so much extra time to tell tales
Piece by piece with a proper pen

Like Legos
With years of daily use
With wear and tear
Our young people are connected
Still somehow safely spaced
Piece by piece
In sometimes zany Zooms
We can be absolutely anywhere
That is not quite here
All we need is a better background
To stay socially safe
And put ourselves together
Piece by piece

Like a Frankenstein future made properly present
We will be rebuilt
Piece by piece
For our next great generation

Categories: COVID-19, Featured, Homepage, and Library News.

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