Mental Health Awareness Month began in the United States in 1949 by the Mental Health America organization. In her Publisher’s Weekly article, “Mental Health and Middle Graders,” Shannon Maughan writes, “A 2019 article in JAMA Pediatrics cites data revealing that one in six youths ages six to 17 experience a mental health disorder in a given year, and that in 2016, 16.5% of U.S. youths ages six to 17 (7.7 million people) experienced a mental health disorder.” To read her article in full click here.
In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, I have gathered together noteworthy books for younger and older children that raise awareness of mental health issues such as grief, bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety, but also provide titles that promote mental well-being.

Picture Books:
When Sadness is at Your Door
Zoo Zen: A Yoga Story for Kids
I Am Yoga
Captain Starfish
When I Feel Good About Myself
Good Morning Yoga: A Pose-By-Pose Wake Up Story
What’s Up, Maloo?
Goodnight Yoga: A Pose-by-Pose Bedtime Story
When I feel Scared
Violet Shrink
The Rabbit Listened
Brave Molly
The Eensy Weensy Spider Freaks Out
I Am Peace- A Book of Mindfulness
Gloria’s Big Problem
When I Feel Sad
Mr. Worry: A Story About OCD
The Paper Kingdom
When I Feel Worried

Chapter Books:
Goodbye to GoldieeBook on OverDrive and Libby
A Song Only I Can HeareBook on OverDrive and Libby
Stanley Will Probably Be FineeBook on Hoopla, OverDrive, and Libby
The Science of Breakable ThingseBook & audiobook on OverDrive and Libby
Lily and DunkineBook & Audiobook on OverDrive and Libby
remarkable journey coyoteeBook on OverDrive and Libby / Audiobook on Hoopla
Where the Watermelons GroweBook on OverDrive and Libby
OCDanielAudiobook on Hoopla / eBook on OverDrive and Libby
Hurricane SeasoneBook on OverDrive, Libby & Hoopla
Naked Mole Rat Saves the WorldeBook on OverDrive, Libby, & Hoopla
The Notations of Cooper CameroneBook on Hoopla
Finding PerfecteBook on OverDrive and Libby
The Goldfish BoyAudiobook on Hoopla / eBook on OverDrive and Libby
When You Trap a TigereBook & Audiobook on OverDrive and Libby
The List of Things That Will Not ChangeeBook on OverDrive and Libby
Mick Harte Was HereeBook on OverDrive and Libby

Cool Relaxing: Healthy and Fun Ways to Chill OuteBook on Hoopla
Meditate With Me: A Step-By-Step Mindfulness JourneyeBook on OverDrive and Libby
Breathe and Be: A Book of Mindfulness PoemseBook & Movie on Hoopla
Breathe Like a Bear: 30 Mindful Moments for Kids to Feel Calm and Focused AnytimeAudiobook, Read-Along & Movie on Hoopla / eBook on OverDrive and Hoopla
All Birds Have AnxietyeBook on OverDrive and Libby
You are a Lion! And Other Fun Yoga PoseseBook on OverDrive and Libby
Keep Calm: My Stress-Busting TipseBook on OverDrive and Libby
Just Breathe: Meditation, Mindfulness, Movement & MoreAudiobook on OverDrive and Libby
This Moment is Your Life (And So Is This One)eBook on OverDrive and Libby
Bunny Breaths: Mindfulness Moments for KidseBook on OverDrive

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