Posts by Raquel Cavalcanti, Children's Librarian

New Books in the Trove: February 2025

We have new books coming in all the time with them on display right as you enter the Trove.  Here’s some of our recent favorite new titles! For Wee Ones Trains by Johnny Dyrander (Birth to 3 Years-Old) Library Catalog “Okay, I’m getting nitpicky now. Why include this year’s “Make Tracks” title by Johnny Dyrander Trains and not Trucks? I can’t believe I have to say this out loud since it’s so obvious, but come on people! The choo choo sound! Look, I know the truck makes a very nice “Rrrr Rrrr” sound, and I don’t want to disparage that.
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Categories: Authors & Books and Homepage Kids.

New Books in the Trove: December 2024

We have new books coming in all the time with them on display right as you enter the Trove.  Here’s some of our recent favorite new titles! For Wee Ones Play Games With Me by Kat Chen and Lorraine Nam (Birth to 3 Years-Old) Library Catalog “Let's play! This lively board book follows Alex, a small Black child, who engages readers by asking questions like, ‘What's your name? What a great name! Would you like to play some games with us?’ This title can help children who are anxious in social situations, allowing them to practice responding to questions alongside
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Categories: Authors & Books, Featured, Homepage Kids, and Kids.

Author Visit Storytime: Laura Bower

Author Visit Storytime: Emily Snook: The World’s Smallest Cook by Laura Bower Saturday, December 14th at 11 am For: Families Location: Galaxy Hall Come enjoy a Special Author Storytime with Laura Bower who will be reading her book, Emily Snook: The World’s Smallest Cook. Kids are also invited to make a craft! About the Book: Emily Snook is a whiz in the kitchen. But when she enters an international cooking contest and meets the competition, her hopes of winning deflate like a botched soufflé. Everyone is older, taller and in serious doubt of her cooking capabilities! A classic underdog story,
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Categories: Authors & Books, Events, Featured, Homepage Kids, and Kids.

Celebrating Day of the Dead in the Trove

Celebrate Day of the Dead! ¡Celebra el Día de los Muertos! Day of the Dead/Día de los Muertos is joyfully celebrated on November 1st and 2nd of each year. The holiday has Aztec roots, and its traditions for honoring the dead include visiting loved ones' graves and decorating altars (ofrendas). Day of the Dead is an ancestral tradition which celebrates the life of people and/or pets dear to us who have already departed. By celebrating their lives, we remember them fondly and open a path for them to visit us. At the Library’s workshop series which occurred on October 10th,
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Categories: Events, Featured, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.


BEAUTIFUL BILINGUAL BOOKS, Part 25 LINDOS LIBROS BILINGÜES, Parte 25 The Library has a lovely collection of bilingual Spanish/English books. To celebrate reading in two languages, we are featuring our beautiful new books in a monthly blog – so enjoy practicing your Spanish and English skills with these picture books.  La Biblioteca tiene una colección hermosa de libros bilingües en inglés/español. Para celebrar leyendo en dos idiomas, le presentamos nuestros lindos libros aquí. Así que disfrute practicando sus destrezas en ambos idiomas con estos libros ilustrados. ¿Dónde están los huevos? / Where Are the Eggs?, by Grace Lin. Library Catalog/Catálogo
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Categories: Authors & Books, Featured, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Author Visit Storytime: Laura Bower

Author Visit Storytime: The Imposter by Laura Bower Saturday, October 5th at 11 am For Families Location: Galaxy Hall Come enjoy a Special Author Storytime with Laura Bower who will be reading her book, The Imposter. Kids are also invited to bring their favorite stuffed friend, and make a craft! About the Book: Olive loves her Mr. Snuggles more than anything else in the world. He's cuddly. Reliable. Perfect. And unfortunately . . . lost! When Mr. Snuggles mysteriously reappears, Olive couldn't be more excited. They are back on track to being best friends forever. Except, something doesn't feel quite
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Categories: Authors & Books, Events, Featured, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Beautiful Bilingual Books, Part 23

BEAUTIFUL BILINGUAL BOOKS, Part 23 LINDOS LIBROS BILINGÜES, Parte 23 The Library has a lovely collection of bilingual Spanish/English books. To celebrate reading in two languages, we are featuring our beautiful new books in a monthly blog – so enjoy practicing your Spanish and English skills with these picture books. La Biblioteca tiene una colección hermosa de libros bilingües en inglés/español. Para celebrar leyendo en dos idiomas, le presentamos nuestros lindos libros aquí. Así que disfrute practicando sus destrezas en ambos idiomas con estos libros ilustrados. Mealtime / ¡A comer!, por Elizabeth Verdick Library Catalog Mealtime -”yummy in the tummy
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Categories: Authors & Books, Featured, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

New Books in the Trove: July 2024

We have new books coming in all the time with them on display right as you enter the Trove. Here’s some of our recent favorite new titles! For Wee Ones Alphabot: Mix and Match Robot Parts From A to Z by Vicky Fang Birth to 3 years old Library Catalog “Fine. I’m a sucker for the mix and match books. So sue. This is actually a STEM board book/mix and match title, which puts it in the company of … no other books out there. So it’s definitely on the older side, but these robotic terms aren’t pushy at all.
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Categories: Authors & Books, Featured, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

August Is…

Each month a variety of observances and celebrations take place, from well-known holidays to much lesser-known fun (and downright funny or strange!) observances. Happiness Happens Month Happiness is a Watermelon on Your Head by Stella Dreis Library Catalog A cauliflower hat, a fish bonnet, a few large animals, a flying boar called Melvin, and a whole lot of watermelons come together in this wacky tale told in rhyme. To the villagers who watch her going about her day, it is clear that Miss Jolly is irritatingly happy. Her never-ending cheerfulness leaves three of her neighbors highly confused and jealous, driving
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Categories: Authors & Books, Featured, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Beautiful Bilingual Books, Part 22

BEAUTIFUL BILINGUAL BOOKS, Part 22 LINDOS LIBROS BILINGÜES, Parte 22 The Library has a lovely collection of bilingual Spanish/English books. To celebrate reading in two languages, we are featuring our beautiful new books in a monthly blog – so enjoy practicing your Spanish and English skills with these picture books. La Biblioteca tiene una colección hermosa de libros bilingües en inglés/español. Para celebrar leyendo en dos idiomas, le presentamos nuestros lindos libros aquí. Así que disfrute practicando sus destrezas en ambos idiomas con estos libros ilustrados. Little Red Riding Hood / La caperucita roja, de Joana Costa Knufinke Library Catalog
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Categories: Authors & Books, Featured, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Beautiful Bilingual Books, Part 21

BEAUTIFUL BILINGUAL BOOKS, Part 21 LINDOS LIBROS BILINGÜES, Parte 21 The Library has a lovely collection of bilingual Spanish/English books. To celebrate reading in two languages, we are featuring our beautiful new books in a monthly blog – so enjoy practicing your Spanish and English skills with these picture books. La Biblioteca tiene una colección hermosa de libros bilingües en inglés/español. Para celebrar leyendo en dos idiomas, le presentamos nuestros lindos libros aquí. Así que disfrute practicando sus destrezas en ambos idiomas con estos libros ilustrados. ¡Hola, cara! = Hello, Face!, by Aya Khalil Library Catalog From laughing to cooing,
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Categories: Authors & Books, Featured, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Celebrate Disability Pride Month in July!

Graphic Novel Discussion: Marshmallow & Jordan by Alina Chau Monday, July 22, 2024 at 5:30 pm For: 3rd to 6th Graders Location: Galaxy Hall  To celebrate Disability Pride Month, we will be discussing the graphic novel, Marshmallow & Jordan by Alina Chau, and playing Book BINGO. Refreshments will be served at this celebration! We will be giving out copies of the graphic novel to the first 8 registrants. Please include your name, phone number and email when you register for this program. Pick up your free graphic novel to keep, and read beforehand to be prepared for the conversation and
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Categories: Authors & Books, Events, Featured, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Celebrate LGBTQIA+ Pride Month!

Graphic Novel Discussion: Beetle & the Hollowbones by Aliza Layne Monday, June 17th at 5:30 p.m. For 3rd to 6th Graders Location: Galaxy Hall To celebrate LGBTQIA+ Pride Month, we will be discussing the graphic novel, Beetle & the Hollowbones by Aliza Layne, and playing Book BINGO. Refreshments will be served at this celebration! We will be giving out copies of the graphic novel to the first 8 registrants. Please include your name, phone number and email when you register for this program. Pick up your free graphic novel to keep, and read beforehand to be prepared for the conversation and
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Categories: Authors & Books, Events, Featured, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Gayathri Waring LGBTQIA+ Pride Month Storytime

Celebrate LGBTQIA+ Pride Month In June! Author Visit & Family Storytime Off to Nana and Grandma’s Home written by Gayathri R. Waring & illustrated by Hallie Guidry Saturday, June 22nd at 11:00 a.m. For Families Location: Galaxy Hall Come join us to celebrate LGBTQIA+ Pride Month! Enjoy a Special Author Storytime with Gayathri R. Waring who will be reading her book, Off to Nana and Grandma's Home. The storytime will also include a fun craft activity! In the book Off to Nana and Grandma’s Home, explore the heartwarming relationship between a child and his two lesbian grandparents. Each expresses her
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Categories: Authors & Books, Events, Featured, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

New Books in the Trove: May 2024

We have new books coming in all the time with them on display right as you enter the Trove.  Here’s some of our recent favorite new titles! For Wee Ones DJ Baby by DJ Burton & Andy J. Pizza (Birth to 3 years-old) Library Catalog “While some may say that babies do not need to learn how to do a record scratch, I for one disagree heartily! These are important skills and, happily, we finally have an interactive board book to go along with this need. Now if I were handing out awards for the most creatively constructed board books
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Categories: Authors & Books, Featured, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

New Books in the Trove: April 2024

We have new books coming in all the time with them on display right as you enter the Trove.  Here’s some of our recent favorite new titles! For Wee Ones Eyes, Ears, Nose and Toes by Sophie Aggett (Birth to 3 Years-Old) Library Catalog “Yeah, I admit it. I’m pretty easy. You slap some big old baby faces in a board book and then add an element like soft felt flaps? Instant inclusion on this list! What’s funny is that so few board book creators have ever thought to do this. There are only so many different elements you can
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Categories: Authors & Books, Featured, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

New Books in the Trove

We have new books coming in all the time with them on display right as you enter the Trove.  Here’s some of our recent favorite new titles! For Wee Ones Global Baby Grandparents by Maya Ajmira (Birth to 3 Years-Old) Library Catalog “I’m sorry, but do I even have to make a write-up for this book? If you know any of the ‘Global Baby’ books in the series then you know they pretty much sell themselves. The only mystery surrounding this particular title comes in wondering how they held off from doing a grandparents book before now. As per usual
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Categories: Authors & Books, Featured, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Beautiful Bilingual Books, Part 18

BEAUTIFUL BILINGUAL BOOKS, Part 18  LINDOS LIBROS BILINGÜES, Parte 18 The Library has a lovely collection of bilingual Spanish/English books. To celebrate reading in two languages, we are featuring our beautiful new books in a monthly blog – so enjoy practicing your Spanish and English skills with these picture books. La Biblioteca tiene una colección hermosa de libros bilingües en inglés/español. Para celebrar leyendo en dos idiomas, le presentamos nuestros lindos libros aquí. Así que disfrute practicando sus destrezas en ambos idiomas con estos libros ilustrados. The Very Hungry Caterpillar’s 100 First Words / Primeras palabras, by Eric Carle. Library
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Categories: Authors & Books, Español, Featured, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Celebrate International Transgender Day of Visibility

Celebrate International Transgender Day of Visibility! Graphic Novel Discussion: The Deep and Dark Blue by Niki Smith Monday, March 25th, at 5:00 p.m. For: 3rd to 6th Graders Location: Galaxy Hall To Celebrate International Transgender Day of Visibility (Sunday, March 31st, 2024) we will be discussing the graphic novel, The Deep & Dark Blue by Niki Smith, and playing Book BINGO. Refreshments will be served at this celebration! We will be giving out copies of the graphic novel to the first 8 registrants. Please include your name, phone number and email when you register for this program. You can register
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Categories: Authors & Books, Book Discussion, Events, Featured, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

Beautiful Bilingual Books, Part 17

BEAUTIFUL BILINGUAL BOOKS, Part 17 LINDOS LIBROS BILINGÜES, Parte 17 The Library has a lovely collection of bilingual Spanish/English books. To celebrate reading in two languages, we are featuring our beautiful new books in a monthly blog – so enjoy practicing your Spanish and English skills with these picture books. La Biblioteca tiene una colección hermosa de libros bilingües en inglés/español. Para celebrar leyendo en dos idiomas, le presentamos nuestros lindos libros aquí. Disfrute practicando sus destrezas en ambos idiomas con estos libros ilustrados. Twice as Many Friends / ¡El doble de amigos!, by Brian Amador. Library Catalog A bilingual
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Categories: Authors & Books, Español, Featured, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.