Pet-themed Picture Books

Pets can play an important part in your children's physical and mental development. An added bonus to the loving bond between children and their pets are the many ways it can help your child grow into a caring, responsible individual. Pets can help with learning, provide comfort, encourage nurturing, help keep kids healthy, and build stronger family bonds. For more information, click here, and keep reading for a selection of pet-themed picture books.

Downton Tabby, by Sparkle Abby. (eBook on OverDrive)
Me and My Dragon, by David Biedrzycki. (Audiobook on Hoopla)
One Cool Friend, by Toni Buzzeo. (eBook on OverDrive)
Boris y Bea, by Sharon Callen. (eBook on Hoopla) SPANISH
Can I Be Your Dog?, by Troy Cummings. (eBook on OverDrive)
Lion Down, by Stuart Gibbs. (eBook & Audiobook on OverDrive)
Ginny Goblin Cannot Have a Monster For a Pet, by David Goodner. (eBook on OverDrive)
Can I Bring Saber to New York, Ms Mayor?, by Lois G. Grambling. (eBook on OverDrive)
Thinker: My Puppet Poet and Me, by Eloise Greenfield. (eBook on OverDrive)
Fawn, el Ciervo Muy Pequeño, by Claudia Harrington. (eBook on OverDrive) SPANISH
Otis, el Perro Muy Asustado, by Claudia Harrington. (eBook on OverDrive) SPANISH
Pedro el Loro Muy Hablador, by Claudia Harrington. (eBook on OverDrive) SPANISH
Say Something, Perico, by Trudy Harris. (eBook on Hoopla)
Happy Cat, by Steve Henry. (eBook on OverDrive)
The Adventures of Monk, by Sona S. Hoisington. (eBook & Audiobook on Hoopla)
This Moose Belongs to Me, by Oliver Jeffers. (eBook on OverDrive)
Guinea Dog, by Patrick Jennings. (eBook & Audiobook on OverDrive)
Hamster Magic, by Lynne Jonell. (eBook on OverDrive)
The Cat With Seven Names, by Tony Johnston. (eBook on Hoopla)
Pig-Pig and the Bowl of Rice, by Siana Laforest. (eBook on Hoopla)
Emu-mail, by Merv Lambert. (eBook on Hoopla)
Goldfish on Vacation, by Sally Lloyd-Jones. (eBook on OverDrive)
The King of the Birds, by Acree Macam. (eBook on Hoopla)
Newton and Me, by Lynne Mayer. (eBook & Audiobook on Hoopla)
Newton y Yo, by Lynne Mayer. (eBook & Audiobook on Hoopla) SPANISH
Too Many Dinosaurs, by Mercer Mayer. (eBook on OverDrive)
Lulu and the Hedgehog in the Rain, by Hilary McKay. (eBook on OverDrive)
Sparky!, by Jenny Offill. (eBook on OverDrive)
The Kind Hearted Crocodile, by Lucia Panzieri. (eBook on OverDrive)
Si Tú Fueras Un Loro, by Katherine Rawson. (eBook on Hoopla) SPANISH
Tita y Ben: Tres Cuentos, by Lori Ries. (eBook on Hoopla) SPANISH
I Want a Bunny!, by Tony Ross. (eBook on Hoopla)
Rita’s Rhino, by Tony Ross. (eBook on Hoopla)
8 Class Pets + 1 Squirrel ÷ 1 Dog = Chaos, by Vivian Vande Velde. (eBook on OverDrive)
Unicorn Named Sparkle, by Amy Young. (eBook on OverDrive)


Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

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