Summer STEAM Kit: Seashells

After the Summer Solstice on Sunday, June 20th, summer will officially be underway! We’re celebrating with a summer-themed Grab & Go STEAM kit, available for pick-up on June 28th. The kits will contain a seashell, googly eyes, and colored sand. You can make the design above or use these instructions for more ideas as you create your own unique craft.

Whether you love to go to the beach, love art, or just want to unplug, this activity can provide a wonderful learning experience. For a STEAM enrichment activity, see if you and your child can identify your unique seashell using this seashell chart. This activity is geared towards grades 1-3 but older children can also enjoy learning about seashells.

Suggested Reads:

A House for a Hermit Crab by Eric Carle
For children in grades 1-3
Library Collection: Print
What happens when a hermit crab grows too snug for his home? This cute creature comes upon a shell in February that seems too plain. In March, the hermit crab meets some sea anemones who sway in the water and decide to decorate the crab’s shell. In April, the hermit crab meets a starfish who is also excited to be a part of the shell. By the end of the year the hermit crab has a full house on its back! A fun story for anyone who enjoys learning about seashells, crabs and nature. The book also features vocabulary words such as sea anemones, starfish, sea urchins, and snails.

National Audubon Society First Field Guide: Shells by Brian Cassie
For children in grades 4-8
Library Collection: Print
This book features an introduction to the world of a naturalist (a person who studies nature), the world of shells and the classification system that scientists use to identify different organisms and elements of nature. Some of the names of the seashells are also intriguing: the Angulate Wentletrap (long, slender and white shells), Plate Limpet (a rock-loving snail), and Queen Conch (often collected by shell enthusiasts.) This book is a wonderful guide for identifying your seashell.

Natural History Collector: Hunt, Discover, Learn! by Michael Sanchez
For children in grades 4-8
Library Collection: Print
Is your child fascinated by the natural world? Do they keep a nature journal or love to play outdoors? If so, then you must check out Natural History Collector, Hunt, Discover, Learn! This book can help your family learn how to keep a field notebook and how to grow your own crystals. A great book for kids who love nature and anyone who wants to learn about curating a collection of rocks, minerals and shells.

Hermit Crabs by Kathryn Stephens
For children in grades 1-3
Library Collection: Print
Did you know that hermit crabs use old shells from other animals? They also love to burrow and hide to shed their skin: this is known as molting and it takes about a month. Hermit crabs sleep in the day and eat fruits and vegetables at night. The book also has diagrams to identify different parts of the hermit crab. A wonderful resource for kids who are curious about how to take care of their pet crabs!

Seashells More Than a Home by Melissa Stewart
For children in grades 1-3
Library Collection: Print
This adorable book teaches children all there is to know about the world of seashells. Did you know that seashells can flit and flutter underwater like a butterfly does through the air? Seashells can also let in light and make great homes. The wonderful watercolor illustrations convey the feeling of nature and relaxing on the beach. Suggested activity: relax and read this book with your child at the beach or before creating a seashell craft.

Categories: Authors & Books, Library News, and Teens.

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