El Día/Children’s Day

El día de los niños/El día de los libros (Children's Day/Book Day), commonly known as Día, is a celebration every day of children, families, and reading that culminates yearly on April 30th. Día is a nationally recognized initiative that emphasizes the importance of literacy for all children from all backgrounds. It is a daily commitment to linking children and their families to diverse books, languages and cultures.

The Trove will have available Grab & Go Kits celebrating this day, available beginning April 25th, while supplies last.

Daniel’s pet = Daniel y su mascota, by Alma Flor Ada. (Library Catalog)
The lizard and the sun – La lagartija y el sol, by Alma Flor Ada. (Library Catalog)
Laughing tomatoes and other spring poems = Jitomates risueños y otros poemas de primavera, by Francisco X. Alarcón. (Library Catalog)
Animals = Los animales, by Clare Beaton. (Library Catalog)
Family = La familia, by Clare Beaton. (Library Catalog)
Opposites = Los contrarios, by Clare Beaton. (Library Catalog)
Cinderella =Cenicienta, by Fracesc Boada. (Library Catalog)
Jack and the beanstalk = Juan y los frijoles mágicos, by Francesc Bofill. (Library Catalog)

My name is Celia: the life of Celia Cruz = Mi nombre es Celia: la vida de Celia Cruz, by Monica Brown. (Library Catalog / hoopla / Libby)
My name is Gabito = Me llamo Gabito, by Monica Brown. (Library Catalog / hoopla / Libby)
My name is Gabriela : the life of Gabriela Mistral = Me llamo Gabriela : la vida de Gabriela Mistral, by Monica Brown. (Library Catalog)
Look out Kindergarten, here I come! = Prepárate Kindergarten, ¡allá voy!, by Nancy L. Carlson. (Library Catalog)
Los alimentos de Maisy = Maisy’s food, by Lucy Cousins. (Library Catalog)
Los animales de Maisy = Maisy’s animals, by Lucy Cousins. (Library Catalog)
Quinito’s neighborhood = El vecindario de Quinito, by Ina Cumpiano. (Library Catalog)
Arrorró mi niño : Latino lullabies and gentle games, by Lulu Delacre. (Library Catalog)

How are you? = ¿Cómo estás?, by Angela Dominguez. (Library Catalog)
Mis colores = My colors, by Rebecca Emberley. (Library Catalog)
Señorita Mariposa, by Mister G. (Ben Gundersheimer) (Library Catalog / Libby)
The perfect gift = El regalo perfecto, by Jenny Gago. (Library Catalog)
My grandma = Mi abuelita, by Ginger Foglesong Gibson. (Library Catalog)
Siesta, by Ginger Foglesong Gibson. (Library Catalog)
Spring is here = Llegó la primavera, by Taro Gomi. (Library Catalog / Libby / hoopla)
Little Red Riding Hood = Caperucita Roja, by Jacob Grimm. (Library Catalog)

Rooster = Gallo, by Jorge Luján. (Library Catalog / hoopla)
Rin, rin, rin, do, re, mi: libro ilustrado en español e inglés: a picture book in Spanish and English, by José Luis Orozco. (Library Catalog)
My diary from here to there =Mi diario de aquí hasta allá, by Amada Irma Pérez. (Library Catalog)
My very own room = Mi propio cuartito, by Amada Irma Pérez. (Library Catalog / Libby)
A perfect season for dreaming = Una temporada perfecta para soñar, by Benjamin Alire Sáenz. (Library Catalog / Libby)
Richard Scarry’s best counting book ever = El mejor libro para contar de Richard Scarry, by Richard Scarry. (Library Catalog)
El gato ensombrerado = The cat in the hat, by Dr. Seuss. (Library Catalog)
Thumbelina = Pulgarcita, by Caterina Valriu i Llinàs. (Library Catalog)

Categories: Authors & Books, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

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