Discover Aspen Discovery!

We are pleased to inform you that our new all-inclusive catalog is now available. Previously, if you wished to search for titles in all formats (that is, books, ebooks, and movies), you would have had to conduct a search not only in our catalog, but also in Libby, hoopla, and others. Now with Aspen Discovery, one search is all it takes, and you'll see search results from all our content providers presented at once.

In addition to “one stop shopping” when it comes to title searches, Aspen Discovery also provides enriched content. Overall, it was designed to provide a much more improved experience for you. We hope you find this to be the case.

To help ease your transition to the new catalog, here are some tutorial videos produced by the makers of Aspen Discovery, ByWater Solutions:

Please note that our original catalog is still available and will remain so until the end of August, 2023.

Also note that anything you may have saved in My Lists in the catalog will not migrate over to the new catalog; however, you can download and save those lists (at least until the end of August). Instructions for doing so are available here.

Having troubles using Aspen Discovery? Stop by the Hub Desk or the Trove Desk and we'll be happy to help you out.

Categories: Director's Corner, Evergreen, Homepage, and Library News.


    • John Lolis

      That’s a very good question. Yes, there is! It’s called LiDA, and it’s available as an Apple iOS app and an Android app. I held off on mentioning the app because I’ve had very little experience with it so far, plus it’s gotten poor reviews (at least for the few reviews there are). Please bear this in mind if you have issues with it, in which case I recommend opening a browser, going to our Aspen Discovery catalog and conducting your search there.

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