Traveling Lantern Theater Co. Performance

Rhonda Appleseed & the Tree that Learned How to Speak Performance
Children, Families
Tuesday, August 8th, at 2:00 p.m.

Traveling Lantern Theater Co. presents Rhonda Appleseed & the Tree that Learned How to Speak. Rhonda is a descendant of Johnny Appleseed, and everyone calls her Ronnie. When she learns about her great great uncle's story, she grows fascinated and then proud. Ronnie decides that she wants to follow in his footsteps. She decides she will protect nature and all the creatures on our planet from climate change. But how? She takes a journey to visit one of the beautiful, kind, wise old apple trees that Johnny planted so long ago to ask how she can help. The tree teaches her that her voice is needed to bring people together to do the right thing.

This program is made possible with support from the White Plains Library Foundation.

Categories: Library News.

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