This installment of Good Trouble features a few books about, and by, Greta Thunberg to inspire environmental activism. From the time she was 11, Greta Thunberg has been taking on climate change, politics, governments and corporations. Greta is a role model for young people to be activists and changemakers.
As Greta says, “No one is too small to make a difference.”

Little People, Big Dreams: Greta Thunberg by Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara, illustrated by Anke Weckmann
Library Catalog
This biography in the popular and well-made Little People, Big Dreams series provides an introduction to the young activist’s life.

Greta Thunberg by Tracey Turner, illustrated by Tom Knight
Library Catalog
A higher-level biography than the Little People, Big Dreams title above, this book provides information not only on Greta herself, but on the environmental issues she is fighting, as well as the impacts of climate change. Featuring some great illustrations and a deep, but easily accessible introduction to Greta Thunberg, I highly recommend it. I really appreciated the book’s discussion on autism and neurodiversity and how Greta’s autism first amplified her fears about climate change – to the point of becoming mute – but then ultimately helped her to become the activist she is.

Greta and the Giants – inspired by Greta Thunberg’s stand to save the world by Zoë Tucker, illustrated by Zoe Persico
Library Catalog
A picture book inspired by Greta Thunberg’s actions. What I like about this book is that it creates the metaphor of “giants” to represent for children the terrible, powerful things – concepts that may very well be harder to grasp for a child than a fantastical, monstrous giant – that Greta is standing up against in our real world.

The Climate Book by Greta Thunberg
Library Catalog
Now 20 years old, Thunberg compiled The Climate Book with writings, research and information from over 100 engineers, geologists, meteorologists, indigenous leaders, historians, and more. In addition to the striking, and chilling, information about the environment contained within, the book also demonstrates the impact, reach, and connections a person can have, even a young person like Greta.
I have Aspergers and that means I’m sometimes a bit different from the norm… And – given the right circumstances – being different is a superpower. -Greta Thunberg

Our House is on Fire: scenes of a family and planet in crisis by Greta Thunberg, Svante Thunberg, Malena Ernman, and Beata Ernman
Library Catalog
A detailed look at the origins of Greta Thunberg’s activism – a deep fear of the climate crisis that combined with her Asperger’s rendered her mute and not eating which shook her family to its core. Told from Greta’s mother’s point of view, this memoir is at once emotional, humorous, thoughtful, and moving. It shows the depths of a mother’s love alongside her anguish and desperation in the face of her children's struggles. It examines the realities of families with children on the spectrum. It illuminates Greta’s parents' devotion to helping their children. And, overall, it reveals how all of these factors combined lead to Greta’s devotion to the planet. As the Sunday Times put it, this is “a book about finding purpose as a route to recovery.”

Why “Good Trouble”?
Among many important things, civil rights activist and Congressman John Lewis was famous for using the term “good trouble” when speaking on fighting against injustice in this country. This blog series will highlight books in our collection that might inspire you towards activism or provide you some ways to cause some “good trouble” fighting against societal injustices.
“Speak up, speak out, get in the way. Get in good trouble, necessary trouble, and help redeem the soul of America.”
“What can you do to get into good trouble? There is a light inside of you that will turn on when you get into good trouble. You will feel emboldened and freed. You will realize that unjust laws cannot stop you. These laws cannot stop the truth that is in your heart and soul.”
“Do not get lost in a sea of despair. Be hopeful, be optimistic. Our struggle is not the struggle of a day, a week, a month, or a year, it is the struggle of a lifetime. Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble.”
– John Lewis
Note: If you are interested in learning more about the life of John Lewis, I highly recommend the March trilogy of graphic novels.

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