We know teens need community service hours, and we can provide a few different options. Below you’ll find a list of all the current ways to contribute to the library community and earn volunteer credit through the White Plains Public Library. If you have an idea for a library program you'd like to plan as a community service project, or if you have any questions, please contact YA librarian Kathlyn Carroll at kcarroll@whiteplainslibrary.org.
Do Gooders
Teens in grades 7-12 can earn community service hours by attending Do Gooders meetings. We'll work on projects to benefit local organizations and plan future After Hours events. During the school year, we meet once a month. No registration required.
Upcoming Dates:
Beginner Stitching
Teens can earn community service for making handmade items to donate in the community. Teens can sign up to attend a Beginner Stitching session where they'll learn to knit or crochet. After some practice, we'll provide supplies for them to make hats or scarves to donate. Registration is required; email YA librarian Kathlyn Carroll at kcarroll@whiteplainslibrary.org.
Upcoming Dates:
Edge Advisory Board
A group of teens who love the Library and work to plan activities for teens in the Edge. Teens may earn community service credit for meaningful participation.
Upcoming Dates:
Helping with Children's Programs
We can use teen volunteer help with a few children's programs from time to time. We're looking for teens who are independent, motivated, patient, and comfortable talking with children. If you'd like to help out with this, email YA librarian Kathlyn Carroll at kcarroll@whiteplainslibrary.org for more information.
Special event:
Friends of the Library Book Sale
10:30 am – 3:30 pm
We're looking for teen volunteers to help with the Friends of the Library book sale. Volunteers will help with setup and cleanup, keeping tables stocked with books, bagging books for customers, and other tasks to keep the book sale running smoothly. Teens can volunteer for the whole day, or for part of the day; please include your availability when emailing Kat to sign up.
Regularly scheduled programs:
Lego Club:
Fourth Monday of the month
Teen help needed 3:15 – 5:30 pm
Help kids with their creations, finding LEGO pieces, and bringing their ideas to life! Afterward, help with cleanup and displaying finished pieces in the Trove.
Castle Crafts:
First Wednesday of the month
Teen help needed 3:15 – 5:15 pm
Help with setup and cleanup, and help kids with their crafts during the event.
American Girl Book Club:
Every other month on the 3rd Saturday
Teen help needed from 10:15 am – 1 pm
Help with setup and cleanup, and help kids with the craft during the event.
An extra volunteer hour is available for volunteers who read the featured book before the event.
These programs are made possible with support from the White Plains Library Foundation.

Volunteer in the Community
For more volunteer opportunities in the community, Volunteer New York! is a great resource. They collect a variety of opportunities to support local Westchester organizations, and you can filter the opportunities by location, age of volunteer, and other factors.

Hi, I’m interested in helping in my local library. thank you
Hi Lili, thanks for expressing interest in volunteering! If you’d like more information about any of the teen volunteer opportunities listed here, please email me at kcarroll@whiteplainslibrary.org. Thanks!
Hi Kathlyn:
I am past a teenager, but would love to help with Reading Buddies, as I did so
during my Tenure as a Nanny.
Please reply and if for only Teens, perhaps fit in for Slow Readers or an ESL class.
Thank you ?? Zoey
Zoey, thanks for your interest in volunteering! These opportunities are indeed only for teens. Our assistant director, Kathy Degyansky, handles volunteer opportunities for adults. You can contact her at kdegyansky@whiteplainslibrary.org.
I would love to be a volunteer at the White Plains library because I’d like to help people and I love to be around people
Hi Ana–I’m so glad to hear you are interested in volunteering! If you would like to get started on a particular activity, please email me at kcarroll@whiteplainslibrary.org. Thanks!