Author Visit Storytime: Laura Bower

Author Visit Storytime: The Imposter by Laura Bower
Saturday, October 5th at 11 am
For Families
Location: Galaxy Hall

Come enjoy a Special Author Storytime with Laura Bower who will be reading her book, The Imposter. Kids are also invited to bring their favorite stuffed friend, and make a craft!

About the Book:

Olive loves her Mr. Snuggles more than anything else in the world. He's cuddly. Reliable. Perfect. And unfortunately . . . lost! When Mr. Snuggles mysteriously reappears, Olive couldn't be more excited. They are back on track to being best friends forever. Except, something doesn't feel quite right. Mr. Snuggles is a little too clean and a little too fluffy. He's an imposter! And when Olive finds the shiny new box, the proof is undeniable. Now Olive must make room for more than one Mr. Snuggles in her heart or find a way to rid the Imposter from her life for good. 

You can place the book on hold here!

Categories: Authors & Books, Events, Featured, Homepage Kids, Kids, and Library News.

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