December K-6 Programs

For our elementary schoolers, please join us for our programs at The Trove! We have an array of activities for different age groups throughout the month. 

Make Your Own Snow!- Families/All Ages
The Castle
December 4th 3:30-5:00 PM

Whether or not the weather outside is frightful, come to the library for a delightful sensory craft! Make and play with your own snow that you can take home!

LEGO Club! – Grades 1-6
Galaxy Hall
December 9th 3:30-5:30PM
December 23rd 3:30-5:30PM

Drop in and build with the Library's LEGOs. Each session we'll provide a building theme or challenge, but also feel free to just build whatever you want! Builds will be put on display in the Trove.

Stories & Stuff: Snow Globes- K-2
Galaxy Hall
December 10th 4:30-5:15PM

Afternoon stories and craft for grades K-2. We will read about snow globes and then create our own paper versions! Free ticket required. Please pick up tickets starting 30 minutes before the program.

Draw on the Wall in the Igloo!- Grades 1-3
The Igloo
December 12th 4:00-6:00PM

We'll use an iPad to help us color in the coloring page projected on the Igloo walls!

Paws to Read- Grades 1-6
The Trove
December 13th 4:00PM-5:00PM

Kids in grade K-6 are invited to sign up for a ten minute reading session to Rufus, a therapy dog. Sign up sheet available 30 minutes before the program. 

Magical Mondays- Grades 3-6
The Igloo
December 16th 4:30-7:00PM

Join us in creating magical Little Wizards characters through words or pictures (or both!) and playing those characters in class at Epic Academy! What adventures will your Little Wizard have today? Each session will have a sign-up sheet with 6 slots for our 6 player limit – anyone who already has a character they’ve created can come at 5, but anyone who hasn’t created a character yet should come at 4:30 so we can make that happen before the game starts!

K-2 Stories and Stuff: Hanukkah
Galaxy Hall
December 17th 4:30-5:15PM

Afternoon stories and craft for grades K-2. We will read about Hanukkah and then create a masking tape menorah to take home!

VR Storytime: Over in the Arctic- K-2
The Igloo
December 19th 4:30-5:15 PM

For grades K-2. We will read Over in the Arctic Where the Cold Winds Blow, sing songs and get a take-home activity!

Noon Year’s Eve Countdown- Families/All Ages
The Trove
December 31st 10AM-12PM

For those who don’t want to stay up late, celebrate the New Year at The Trove! Take your time traveling through our indoor storywalk, make a noisemaker and new year’s hat, and stay for our countdown to noon for a balloon drop!

Categories: Events and Kids.

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